Comments to the rules

  • Thread starter old.Round[DONut]
  • Start date


Rule 1
The minimum number of players for a war is 6 vs 6. The number of players for the war must be finalised at least 30 minutes prior to the start, the ref should be informed of this amount, it may only change if both clans agree.

Very bad I think. Both clans have been talking to eachother for a few days before the match. And the number of players have been talked about. Seems a shame if clan X turns up and have a full team of 8 players ready and Clan Y only 30 min. before a game says; "we have only 6 players ready"

Shall 2 players leave ?? Would be very unfair and Clan X, which also have a 8vs8 tactic ready and leaving the advantage to Clan Y...

I think that the number of players MUST be final a least 24 hours before the game. And if clan Y turns up with only 6 players. Then TO BAD for them!

Rule 1 under generel rules

Refs should be used in every game, they need to be booked well in advance if possible from #bwtfcl. Refs decisions are final in matches, although you may ask for a second opinion.

Seems fine, but should be added:

...although you may ask for a second opinion after the match.

You can't stop a game, coz one clan don't agree on the decision and wants to get a second oppinion!

Prizes for refs!

Bot 'em out! We can't have "to nice" referees

/regards Round[DONut]


ohh and another thing.

A rule that says: You must book a REF a least 24 hours before the game.

That would be nice.

Allthough it has'nt been that big a problem. But clan turning up at IRC 10 min. before the game screaming for a ref is very fucked.


ohh and just ONE more thing then I will shut up.

RCON password should only be given to admins and refs.

I hate it when you are setting the server, some idiot thinks he can do a much better job and decides to control the server himself..


Personally i think it should be 8v8 or nothing,You either turn up with 8 players for an arranged game(if u cant get 8 play with what you have) and if this isnt acceptlable forfeit the game.
TFC is crap 6v6,even 7v7 since virtually every clan bases theyre tactics on the assumption your playing 8v8.
It loosk liek teh uktfcl is introducing this for its top division....I think Bwtfcl should do the same.




OK- basically neither clan shud complain as ALL premiership games are 8 vs 8
lower pool clans often don't know how many players they will have til the night....

We will allocate refs to the fixtures, they will be on the site....

Only admins/refs will have rcon



I am not complaining.. just stating my thought.. And I know we are ind the PS :)


Hello again :)
I think i'm right in thinking that we have accepted an offer to join this league again. However, i'd like to pick up on the Donut's idea about the slight alteration of Rule 1 (Match Format) in his 1st post. For those of us in the Pool's, we have once again been given a minimum of 6v6 players in a match. Now while we are not too fond of this we don't mind too much if its necessary. However, the rule of only needing to finalise player numbers 30min before a match is very wrong :( This is pretty much why we left last season because we got shafted by a clan twice turning up with less than the agreed 8 players and then basically ordering us to play with less numbers. I suggest you strongly think about the player numbers needing to be finalised at least 24hrs before a match is due to take place.

Atomic Rammer

I think arranging 30 mins in advance is ok, coz I for one couldnt say if ill be busy on match day. 24 hrs in advance is a bit unrealistic. People have lives to lead dont they? ;)

old.TGC Snow

well our policy last season was never to agree numbers (except the NTT game where they kept pestering us =]).

It is generally only the poorer clans who will try to make u play with smaller teams, in which case it isn't a big problem. The only good clan who asked us to play less than 8-a-side was RA, but they told us about 30 mins in advance, so it was easy to sort out tactics.

I'd say 30 mins is fine. Tactics for simple 4-4 formation maps are easy to alter for 7-a-side... although i admit i have problems deciding whether to make a 5-3 split into a 4-3 or a 5-2....

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