BW International play off's?



Howz about this,
Each country who wants to partisapate gets a team together and enters them in a kinda TFC world cup,i for one think it would be quite fun to determine what counrty is best at TFC
and im not talking about best clan one one country (eg: a clan like DW or TA would not represent a country but the best players from all clans would) just a though tell me what u think :)

[This message has been edited by [tP]Merkz (edited 07 July 2000).]


Hows abouts this then me darlins;
Each team selects its best player. The pool as a whole selects its best team from this group. From this, the best player is selected. The league as a whole selects its best player from this group. From the best players from all the Britsish leagues a team is selected. From this team the best player is selected. These players are then considered thoroughly until a team representing the continent is selected. From this team the best player is selected. The first one of these 5 players to sneeze is shot. The remaining 4 players are each allowed to select players from any clan within their own continent with a prime number of players. These teams are then in a knock-out competition. The winning clan of the competition selects its best player. This player wins a ticket for an [SLH] picnic, including hamper and ginger beer, in front of post-watershed [RA] sexy-baby Crossover 2 podium dancing.

Top quality league, top quality prize. Say no more.

I would like it to be known that all facts are either absolute truths or tautological linguistic fallacies, and consequently the above is lies.



Now that I've read the rules 4 times, might I signal [RA]'s intention to enter such a league as Hat0 has outlined above. It will certainly bring the cream of Europe together, and Hell, IF I dont get selected, I may even do a tad of fancy foot stompin' up thar meself for the top prize :)

old.TGC Snow

ignoring hato's ramblings...

i've had an idea similar to that, floating around my head for ages. Something like this:

the UK/England/whatever team is a squad of 16 players. There can be no more than 1 player from any clan (dual-clanners are considered only to be members of their primary clan).

Simple as that. Selection would probably be done by me, since i would obviously have a guaranteed place in the squad for my supreme 0wnerage.


Snow just can't take it that my idea is a)better and b)easier to put into effect. Have you considered the amount of administration your idea would require Snow?

(To coin a phrase, Arf)

[This message has been edited by Hat0 (edited 08 July 2000).]


Hmmm Snows idea has potential...I view his role as a kind of Alan Shearer type Captain of the Squad, i.e. play shite for a few more matches and retire to Teeside with one more good McDonalds Ad under his belt. Leaving the path open for the NEW blood to rejuviante the team......who? I hear you ask?

Look no further :)

old.TGC Snow

i was thinking more of a Gary Lineker role - everyone says i'm shite, but they know deep down that i 0wnz j00 all.

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