Bored at work? Pseudo-philosophical bullshit by The Seel.



So you're sitting there, in a cumfy(or not) office chair, perhaps surrounded by the dreaded cubicle walls, tapping a finger against the table and waiting for an 747 to land in the building next door, just so you'd have more to do. Well, i know that my words usually cause people to cry or try to kill themselves when they try to udnerstand my reasons for posting something that might actually harm the brains of their unborn children. But, in some ways when you start to read this, it is also impossible to stop, your mind telling you: "Perhaps this leads to something. Perhaps there's a reason for this crap to be posted on these forums. Just perhaps." And if your brain wasn't telling you that, then it is now. Your welcome, no need to thank me.

Looked at your clock didn't you? Only two or three minutes gone since you clicked on the link to this thread. Amazing isn't it? Spending time is as easy as spending money when you think of it. You just find something and use it, it gives you absolutely nothing else then a reason to do so. Ofcourse when you think of it, i am making you money. Think of it now. You read my post here, these words..yes even -this- word just spent the time you spend at the office. Even a little word like -a- can earn you a dime or two with quite little work involved. Every word i write, you read and when you do you spend another second or two(depending on your level of comprehension((understanding)) ofcourse). So how is this making you money? Well since you are at the office, you are spending time on something else then actually(gosh) working. You're getting paid for the time even if you read this or worked on those reports. Ok, so this post is useless bullshit but when you think of it in a different way, i'm making you money. Ofcourse i'm a bit selfish so while i write this i also spend my time at my office, also your replies "god this is crap" or "go home and die tohtorhi" will aid me in getting more cash for no work. I just click F5 or the refresh button and voila, i spent another moment making cash for nothing.

Ok, this is quite long and you're probably thinking of killing yourself since you actually read this far. But, i'll cheer you up a bit since i'm in a good mood. Look at your clock, either the one on your wrist or the one in the bottom-right corner of your screen. Do it now. Did you? Good. Now isn't that amazing. You just spent a good while in reading nothing and still you don't feel that you wasted your life in doing so, or do you? Well, i'm quite sure you thought of something to do while reading this, or perhaps your boss gave you a new job in the meanwhile. Check your mail. Go ahead, i'll be here. Found anything? Well even if you didn't, you still spent some time in opening it. It's easy, loitering, getting cash for nothing. And even if you're just at school, sitting in class, you have spent a good while lerning nothing when you could've learned new things. Don't worry about it, it's probably not going to save your life. 1+1= Not a lifesaver.

Well, i'll let you back to your work, heck, check back at times to see if other people flame me for posting senseless crap. Atleast you'll be making..yes.. cash for doing nothing. Have fun today okay? *wink*

old.Gombur Glodson

I read it too fast, still 2 hours to go before I can go home ;(


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
I read it too fast, still 2 hours to go before I can go home ;(
2 hours you lucky sod, try work 07.00-19.00 :p

old.Gombur Glodson

I now feel very sorry for you :(

12 hours, what the devil do you work with?


Security Consultant. But i only work 14 days a month :D But have to go in on my off days to help the buttfuck that works when i'm not.

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