[RANT] bloody wimps!


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Resubbed about a week ago after hearing that the T2 orvr have picked up again, been playing nearly all week only orvr with the occational scenario.

and i have to say i'm utterly dissapointed in both Order and Destruction. everytime theres even the slightest opposition ppl run like girls to another pairing in hopes to find a keep undefended.

not to mention the fact that both order and dest LET the enemy cap a keep just so they can farm massive lootbags.

is this the so called "good orvr" i've been hearing about?

full warbands attacking a keep and then fucking running away when a few defenders show up? this evening there was me on my lvl 15 chosen, a shaman and a squig herder defending SL keep from ~15 order, they made 2 halfarsed attempts and then ran away to ostland.

later on we had nearly a full warband attacking the ostland keep, with 5 - 7 order defending, suffice to say, our WB saw them and decided to run away to an undefended keep. because aparently killing 5 - 7 order that didnt have a healer were to much for a nearly full warband of a good mix of classes with plenty healing power.

is there ANYONE out here thats actually LOOKING for rvr in T2 or is it all about those fucking lootbags? wich i may add is probably THE most retarded thing Mythic could have done to solve the orvr situation. the inf system would be plenty enough tbh, and should imo only be given if u actually kill a player, not pveing a keep.

no wonder this game isnt doing as good as it could have been, with all the fucking chickens playing.

luckily things are abit better in T3 so i cant wait till i can go there fulltime.

had some absolutely epic battle in empire vs chaos T3 last night at the empire warcamp with a huge fight lasting nearly 2 hours before we finally got pounded into the ground.

but it would be nice if we could actually get some RVR in the T2 zones aswell insted of the shit pve were having now.

because if things keep up as it is in T2, all the new players probably wont stick around if they expect rvr battles and only see pve in the rvr zones.

comon ppl, grow some fucking balls.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Resubbed about a week ago after hearing that the T2 orvr have picked up again, been playing nearly all week only orvr with the occational scenario.

and i have to say i'm utterly dissapointed in both Order and Destruction. everytime theres even the slightest opposition ppl run like girls to another pairing in hopes to find a keep undefended.

not to mention the fact that both order and dest LET the enemy cap a keep just so they can farm massive lootbags.

is this the so called "good orvr" i've been hearing about?

full warbands attacking a keep and then fucking running away when a few defenders show up? this evening there was me on my lvl 15 chosen, a shaman and a squig herder defending SL keep from ~15 order, they made 2 halfarsed attempts and then ran away to ostland.

later on we had nearly a full warband attacking the ostland keep, with 5 - 7 order defending, suffice to say, our WB saw them and decided to run away to an undefended keep. because aparently killing 5 - 7 order that didnt have a healer were to much for a nearly full warband of a good mix of classes with plenty healing power.

is there ANYONE out here thats actually LOOKING for rvr in T2 or is it all about those fucking lootbags? wich i may add is probably THE most retarded thing Mythic could have done to solve the orvr situation. the inf system would be plenty enough tbh, and should imo only be given if u actually kill a player, not pveing a keep.

no wonder this game isnt doing as good as it could have been, with all the fucking chickens playing.

luckily things are abit better in T3 so i cant wait till i can go there fulltime.

had some absolutely epic battle in empire vs chaos T3 last night at the empire warcamp with a huge fight lasting nearly 2 hours before we finally got pounded into the ground.

but it would be nice if we could actually get some RVR in the T2 zones aswell insted of the shit pve were having now.

because if things keep up as it is in T2, all the new players probably wont stick around if they expect rvr battles and only see pve in the rvr zones.

comon ppl, grow some fucking balls.

I agree that it can be boring, but the loot bag system was in long before the inf rvr system.
Pointing towards you claiming the lootbags were a solution (which it's not) :)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I agree that it can be boring, but the loot bag system was in long before the inf rvr system.
Pointing towards you claiming the lootbags were a solution (which it's not) :)

as far as i can remember u didnt have loot bags drop from keep bosses when the game launched, atleast i never saw any the first free month i played, if they added that later before the inf system i dont know, but that still doesent make it a good solution. as all it does is convincing ppl that pve'ing keeps is the way to go.

and i didnt claim the lootbags were a solution, i said the complete opposite ;)

what i did say was that the INF system would have been enough, and only if u get it from actual rvr. as in killing enemy players, not pve'ing keeps.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 13, 2005
what i did say was that the INF system would have been enough, and only if u get it from actual rvr. as in killing enemy players, not pve'ing keeps.

This :iagree: to , you shouldnt get Influence from the keeps or BO's , they should boost the inf for killing players a little tho to get more interest in actually attacking/defending and getting a blast of fun in orvr :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
Resubbed about a week ago after hearing that the T2 orvr have picked up again, been playing nearly all week only orvr with the occational scenario.

and i have to say i'm utterly dissapointed in both Order and Destruction. everytime theres even the slightest opposition ppl run like girls to another pairing in hopes to find a keep undefended.

not to mention the fact that both order and dest LET the enemy cap a keep just so they can farm massive lootbags.

is this the so called "good orvr" i've been hearing about?

full warbands attacking a keep and then fucking running away when a few defenders show up? this evening there was me on my lvl 15 chosen, a shaman and a squig herder defending SL keep from ~15 order, they made 2 halfarsed attempts and then ran away to ostland.

later on we had nearly a full warband attacking the ostland keep, with 5 - 7 order defending, suffice to say, our WB saw them and decided to run away to an undefended keep. because aparently killing 5 - 7 order that didnt have a healer were to much for a nearly full warband of a good mix of classes with plenty healing power.

is there ANYONE out here thats actually LOOKING for rvr in T2 or is it all about those fucking lootbags? wich i may add is probably THE most retarded thing Mythic could have done to solve the orvr situation. the inf system would be plenty enough tbh, and should imo only be given if u actually kill a player, not pveing a keep.

no wonder this game isnt doing as good as it could have been, with all the fucking chickens playing.

luckily things are abit better in T3 so i cant wait till i can go there fulltime.

had some absolutely epic battle in empire vs chaos T3 last night at the empire warcamp with a huge fight lasting nearly 2 hours before we finally got pounded into the ground.

but it would be nice if we could actually get some RVR in the T2 zones aswell insted of the shit pve were having now.

because if things keep up as it is in T2, all the new players probably wont stick around if they expect rvr battles and only see pve in the rvr zones.

comon ppl, grow some fucking balls.

Same thing just happend in avalorn, lots of great fighting going on, BOs being taken back and forth, even a few keep attacks, then our destruction zerg noticed the order zerg were now defending their keep, 2 or 3 "leaders" of the wb decide to move to tala where the keeps wont be defended, a surprising number of dudes in the wb agreed that we should stay and have some fun in a big fight at or nearby the keep defended by a large order army.

this is a game, i dont give a flying fuck about rps or l33t itemz etc.. im here for an hour or 2 now and then and like the fun or a big orvr fight (NOT A FUCKING SCENARIO) this was a wuss move on our sides side imo, sorry Order dudes who were up for a good battle hope the trend starts to change of "ooh oooh its defended, lets go take a keep full of npcs"


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Same thing just happend in avalorn, lots of great fighting going on, BOs being taken back and forth, even a few keep attacks, then our destruction zerg noticed the order zerg were now defending their keep, 2 or 3 "leaders" of the wb decide to move to tala where the keeps wont be defended, a surprising number of dudes in the wb agreed that we should stay and have some fun in a big fight at or nearby the keep defended by a large order army.

this is a game, i dont give a flying fuck about rps or l33t itemz etc.. im here for an hour or 2 now and then and like the fun or a big orvr fight (NOT A FUCKING SCENARIO) this was a wuss move on our sides side imo, sorry Order dudes who were up for a good battle hope the trend starts to change of "ooh oooh its defended, lets go take a keep full of npcs"

I was in the Order WB fighting you lot all bloody afternoon and most of the evening, great fun. However, the Order WB "leaders" many times tried to up-stakes and move everyone to High Pass to pve BO's, we revolted and refused to leave the fun :)

Screw items, screw influence, screw xp, screw rp's.....massive slaughter-fests are great fun :)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Screw items, screw influence, screw xp, screw rp's.....massive slaughter-fests are great fun :)

couldn't agree more. the battle in T3 EvC last monday were just awesome. last time i had that much fun were the last few really epic RR's in DAoC before SI came.

tho healing as a DoK is a tad frustrating when theres assist trains of while lions around :<


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
Its the same on other servers. All it takes are for people to stop following the drones and to start creating their own proper oRvR zones. It looks like there are two gaming cultures mixing here - PvEin and the RvR group - seperate them and get people to agree that ORvR should be somewhere and stuff all the crap about zoning for the sake of it.

Believe me this is happening all over the place and something needs to change it.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Did they remove the retarded grouping system yet? Or nm, we still get halved and halved until only 5rp/kill are left instead of appealing groups to people by upping rewrds ;/



FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Did they remove the retarded grouping system yet? Or nm, we still get halved and halved until only 5rp/kill are left instead of appealing groups to people by upping rewrds ;/


yeah but diminishing returns on RP's are a neccecary evil tho. imagine the farmfest that would ensue if it werent there...

ppl wouldn't attack a keep to take it, they'd attack it to farm RP's.

and then u'd have the late night crew taking keeps for lootbags and the primetime crews attacking (but not trying to take it) keeps to farm RP's.

and then were right back to IRVR mentality again.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Keeps should not give any influence/renown or rewards unless there has been someone defending it.

Rewards, a loot chest should also drop for the defenders if they defend against an attack. More attackers = less time needed to defend before loot chest is dropped will only drop after attack has stopped of course.

The problem is that the priority is taking keep and not even worry about holding them. As I have said in another thread, certain people are being very vocal about not attacking a keep when Order are defending because they don't want to give them renown. This is a shit attitude to have we all need each other to participate. Take away the the things the chase in orvr which is free keeps and make them fight player v player to get rewards.

Anyway this whole thing pisses me off no end. Whats the point of pvp if you can get the rewards by pveing bo's and keeps. Its a shitty mechanic.

A lot of people need to get their act together from both sides and man the fuck up.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Keeps should not give any influence/renown or rewards unless there has been someone defending it.

totally agree, Planetside have something along those lines aswell, if theres no defenders you aint getting any XP (or rather, the XP ammount comes from how many defenders dies within the control buble).

i'd love for warhammer to steal that idea, if no defenders (or to few) die u aint getting anything but the keep, if a proper battle starts u get alot of XP/renown when/if u manage to cap it. and the same for the defenders if they manage to repel the attack.

and i'd be more then happy to have the keeplord drop lootbags IF it only happen if a big enough battle for the keep have been taking place.

getting pvp gear from pve'ing keeplords now is just as retarded here as it is in WoW where u can do pve instances to get pvp epics.

pvp gear should be attained from pvp, not fucking pve.

/edit: i really really wouldn't mind of NicGOA would take these concerns amd give them to Mythic, because this is just wrong on so many levels.

i was really expecting rvr in this game, not "oh shit, XXX realm is defending, lets run away and take a undefended keep insted!".


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
100% agree. The fact keeps account for nothing when its in your command is also a negative aspect for me.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
100% agree. The fact keeps account for nothing when its in your command is also a negative aspect for me.

true, atleast the keeps in DaoC had some importance when it came to defending relics.

sure some may argue that the same applies to defending the capitol citys but i dare say that losing a capitol (that ur not even losing in any sense of the word) have extremely little impact on the losing realm.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah Keeps should amount to something. There is not any realm pride in WAR which is what Cammy was built upon. Guilds/Alliances streaming to keeps to defend against attackers because you owned it and did not want the enemy to have it.

They really need to go back to basics with the keep/zone situation. I know it was shitty for the alarm clock raids and stuff but at least you could succeed and defend if you had willing people.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
they havent even implemented guild keep control yet have they?


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
yeah you can claim keeps, doesn't do an awful lot atm (gives a standard buff to the entire keep).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Also makes guild gain XP faster, but other than that nothing really.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
bring back Darkness Falls with some epic mob and phat lewts in it and tie it to Keep and/or BO ownership. (3 points per keep, 1 per BO or something for total)

imo :(

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Although many less people played it, I always felt Labyrinth of the Minotaur was superior to DF in nearly every way and had greater mayhem potential.

Both areas were on the right track of PvP giggles though :)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Although many less people played it, I always felt Labyrinth of the Minotaur was superior to DF in nearly every way and had greater mayhem potential.

Both areas were on the right track of PvP giggles though :)

i loved that zone :< but i never ever found anyone down there when i played :/


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
bring back Darkness Falls with some epic mob and phat lewts in it and tie it to Keep and/or BO ownership. (3 points per keep, 1 per BO or something for total)

imo :(

well, then they would have to make one for each Tier.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
yeah you can claim keeps, doesn't do an awful lot atm (gives a standard buff to the entire keep).

well, with the current keep layouts its probably all they can do with it without totally raping the attacking force. its retarded enough tryiing to take a well defended keep as it is.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Guard alerts with numbers would be good :) but yeah doesn't need much more.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Guard alerts with numbers would be good :) but yeah doesn't need much more.

haha yes we need guard alerts

"One of your guards at Caer Berkely have bene attacked by 3 enemies"
"One of your guards at Caer Berkely have bene attacked by 8 enemies"
"One of your guardcaptains at Caer Berkely have bene attacked by 138 enemies"



Can't get enough of FH
Feb 13, 2005
haha yes we need guard alerts

"One of your guards at Caer Berkely have bene attacked by 3 enemies"
"One of your guards at Caer Berkely have bene attacked by 8 enemies"
"One of your guardcaptains at Caer Berkely have bene attacked by 138 enemies"


ha !!! thats nothing :p , think i have a screnie with a spam of 298 enemies killing guards in Dun Crim when i played hib/US , but yea it would be a fun add to this game :)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
haha yes we need guard alerts

"One of your guards at Caer Berkely have bene attacked by 3 enemies"
"One of your guards at Caer Berkely have bene attacked by 8 enemies"
"One of your guardcaptains at Caer Berkely have bene attacked by 138 enemies"


oh god yes! :D

man now i miss DAoC even more :<


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
well, then they would have to make one for each Tier.

no just one, that all the tiers effect as a total

would give people in the lower tiers someting to contribute towards that was more tangible ;)

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