World of Warcraft Classic Server announced
Cannot wait for this.....World of Warcraft Classic Server announced
Cannot wait for this.....
Going to make a thread with loads of Vanilla info in for people who never got to try itlike farming spots etc... excited myself, I knew they'd cave in eventually and the fact they make Brack announce it is even better.
One other thing I think they're doing @Deebs
Notice how they added the Legion scaling tech to TBC and WOTLK? I think they're planning ahead for the classic server to get 'new' content once people are done with naxx etc but maintain the Vanilla rules, it would essentially mean we can go to TBC and WOTLK and raid while remaining at level 60 with the Vanilla rules... obviously thats looking far ahead but the legion scaling tech heavily implies that's what they have in mind (which I'm totally fine with, Vanilla WoW rules in TBC and WOTLK? fuck yes.)
Yeh making You think you do but you don't make the announcement was a classic, think it shows humility toward the player base. When I was watching the announcement the highest cheer was for Classic, hell, check everywhere and it seems more people are excited for Classic over BfA.
I think you are right, the breakthrough Brack mentioned was to do with using the same infrastructure and processes they currently use to host Classic. I am hoping that they use the latest client but somehow patch it with the old models/spells etc and let the server tell the client if they are on a Classic or retail server and act accordingly. Thing is though, this is a way off which is a shame but I suspect they have been working on this since Nost visited, they also stated (Blizzard) that they have spoken on several occasions to the Nost team since then, hopefully those guys will be offered jobs.
For me, I really enjoyed Vanilla, TBC and WOTLK, my interest waned after that and for the first time ever I actually pressed the cancel my sub button a few weeks back as I just got fed up with Legion. I felt like I was in a rat race compared to the slow pace of Vanilla and the exploration.
Could be interesting, but leveling was fairly horrific in vanilla, as was getting anywhere in a timely fashion. Can you imagine riding everywhere, rather than relying on own flying mount?
There was also a huge imbalance in gear and PvP. Once you got those weapons from BWL, AQ40 and Naxx, you were a massive cut above the average grunt.
Will be interesting to see how raiding is handled. It was very unforgiving of idiocy, something that hasn't applied since they added the raid finder and made raids super easy.
What I remember of classic was 20 min queues for PvP matches, it was horrible. The grind after Lvl 20 was also pretty horrific.
Sorry but I have to disagree. I have played since day 1 and have good/bad points.Sorry but I think you have forgotten all the issues in classic... I have played since day 1, every expansion, they all had / have good points and bad and I can tell you I had two memories of vanilla
1) real friends who stayed together even when raiding progression was slow... and those asshats who jumped ship
2)the reputation grind for a piece of gear that was obsolete once you funished it.
I thank Bliz for 10+ man raids it meant that for us we are still going over a decade later (c.13 years).
Lfr opens content to all.... Nor / Heroic for smaller groups and Mythic for those that have the time. Additionally there are custom raids so you can set one up yourself should you want to meet people and play ourside of the raid.
WoW should be accessible... If you have 10 alts you dont need to relive all the content super slowly (i levelled 8 during invasions)