The embarrassment that earns them around £56,000,000.00 a month![]()
Link to that sum?
Not that anyone was questioning that the game is a success and make tons of money. it's still a piece of shit, but that's what people seem to enjoy these days.
Link to that sum?
Not that anyone was questioning that the game is a success and make tons of money. it's still a piece of shit, but that's what people seem to enjoy these days.
The NPCs who live in your Garrison and can be sent out to get stuff is pure SWTOR - its good though.
SWTOR nicked it from Everquest 2 tho first I think, there are guild gatherers you can send out to gather stuff for you.
Meeeeeh at hunter talents...again.
- No repair bills
I can't make the item squish changes work on the numbers when you scale them down to level 1 - unless they change the shape of the health increase curve between expansions (which would impact re-doing old content) then you start out with only a few points of health and low level enchants will be like 0.275 health added to a chest piece![]()
They'll prob have some universal tool on the WoW editor that can target mass numbers so they can prob change scaling quite easy..