Barrys Bookable Servers



hia guys:
I am now booking barrys world servers for SoF for four hours a week on both CTF and DM settings.
I understand that to alter simple settings I must use Rcon, which by examining certain files like the ones at I am now able to do. However, when I set my Rcon password for the server, I went to log on as the Admin and found that the password wouldn't work. How can I log in to the server as an admin? Also, if anyone can tell me the basic commands for Changing time/frag/flag limit, and the changing of the map it would be most appreciated. Thx a lot, Ben



needed help, I give yuo a little help..

hey hey m8.. First Time I think that you control a server he...

Just on the BW's bookable... you can not enter as a Admin.. but you can enter as a con user. There for you have the rcon password..

further, you need also entering the serverpassword before you can enter the server... these is doin by "Advanced" in the MP menu. or by typing in the console "set password LoL"

same for the rcon.. type in the console "set rcon_password LoLie"
also for spectator.. "set spectator_password spyme"

always use the word rcon before you do a command.. otherwhise when you only type "map dm/nycctf" you start your own server..

If the DM flags settings aint not wright.. call the dmflagslist by doin "rcon list_dmflags"
then you adjust everything by sayng "rcon set_dmflags 1-15" or "rcon unset_dmflags 1-15" (the numbers are telling te one for the settings that stands in the list.)
Note: these changes are set when you restart the server.

Timelimit : "rcon set timelimit 0-30"
fraglimit : "rcon set fraglimit 0-150"
flagcaptures : "rcon set ctf_loops 0-50"
maps : "rcon map dm/nycctf - irqctf - sudctf1 - sudctf2 - gerctf - jpnctf" these are teh standard maps there are only for the servers...
status : "rcon status"
kick : "rcon kick 0-16" note: 0 is mostly the host, so beware... once you kick him the server makes serieus lag... also do no kick by name... only by port number.
movescales : "rcon g_movescale 0" no moving "rcon g_movescale 1" now you can move.

Further... don't try to fuck.. if you wanna test all things off the con... start a own server.. then you are sure that you don't crashes other servers...


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