Another Random Thread Just For Munkey's pleasure!



Oh i so love writing random donkeypoop on the boards, especially since "some" people don't like it. I don't know who they are or where they come from but everyday i get fanmail from them to my icefloat and quite frankly i can soon put up a "Aircooling Devices Incorporated" shop to teh icefloat. Now i really don't have anything good to write about, like how the effects of a manachanter change might effect the whole balance of the game because it's simply a too good of a change and not in a good way. And i don't i have anything informative to write about, like how the sunrays hit the polar caps and cause polarbears to think about moving back to the southpole to bug the hell out of penguins.

But i do have something to write about. I was going to take a good amount of time to research how relationships effect the guild behaviors and how a guild can get quite a smack on the bottom when their leader has to go to a gunshot wedding and be the only one in the wrong end of the barrel. That one wasn't as interesting as it might sound so i decided against it and instead thought of something else.

It's time for another edition of....

Teh Seel Compares! 31337 vs Normal people

We all know what an amazing task it is to be 31337. We all want to be 31337 and we all would love to know how 31337 looks like ELEET. To some people t comes naturally, being 31337 is like shaving your private parts or asking your granny for a candybar when she only has granolabars. And then proceed to beat granny on the head with the granolabar when you don't get candy while shouting "Die you dark messenger of satan!!"

Ok, so maybe those things come naturally to an axe wielding murderer and not so much to the common cattle that grace the green pastures of interweb. Still, axemurderers need some credit as well. Now, there are a few things that separate the normal joe from 3dd13 31337.




Just to name a few. The language is one that is being dezyphered by a bunch of Munkeys-(har ya!) in a secluded island in the pacific and the work is estimated to be complete somewhere after the end of the world. Let's take an example of 31337 vs Normal reaction:

Asking someone to be quiet:

Joe Normal: "Mind shutting up for a moment?"

3dd13 31337: "FFS SHUP!"

Now 3dd13 does things fast, efficient and most certainly 31337 style. While Joe Normal might not get the effect he asks for, 3dd13 surely gets his way with these sophisticated words.

Now in a bankloan situation we can observe the difference between Joe and 3dd13 even better.

While Joe dresses up in a suit, fixes everything and tries to look "classy", 3dd13 thinks this fights against the uberness of all and appears in the bank wearing a tanktop with a smiley face, boxers with garfields on them, flipflops and a cap that reads "t00 31337". What they say at the counter is also a good sign of 3dd13 and his superhuman ways:

Jerk the Clerk: How can i help you sir?

Joe Normal: I was wondering if it was possible to apply for a loan?

Jerk the Clerk: Oh certainly sir. I'll get some papers and we'll get started.

Joe Normal: Splendid.

Now, let's see into the future and how things should go if you are as uber as 3dd13 31337:

Jerk the Clerk: How can i...

3dd13 31337: GIV G PLZ!!

Jerk the Clerk: Sir i..

3dd13 31337: G PLZ! K?!

Jerk the Clerk: I don't...

3dd13 31337: FFS GIV G!!

Jerk the Clerk: What are you...

3dd13 31337: FOAD n00b!!

As you can see, 3dd13s civilized manners have again struck gold..

3dd13: G FFS!!

...ah yes. Struck G.

3dd13: n00b!

Look 3dd13, i was writing this so people can underst..

3dd13: FFS!! U DIE NOW!!1

***This thread is having some technical difficulties. Apologies for any inconvinience.***

We now return to our daytime soap opera, Echoes from the Past.

Jim: Oh Julie, i love you so much but my parents can't allow us to be together.

Julie: Oh Jim! I want you so much but..

3dd13: POP!! FFS DIE!!

***This program is having some..***

3dd13: DIE!!

***The program that notifies of technical difficulties is having some...*

3dd13: n00b DIE!!


3dd13: U NEXT!! Y U n00b! BEHIND SCREEN! DIEE!!!



Why did the 31337 person leave the house, just out of interrest? Could he not have just h4xx0r3d a b4|\|kz0r? :D


Because i aer teh great gamedev :p

Someone has to keep 3dd13 in ch

3dd13: DIE!!


now this was class, compared to your last babbles.



I do hope Munkey will notice my clever pun with no pun intented :D

Ta all, i'll be trying to write more stuff when i get the opportunity/idea.

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