Al-Qaeda striking against Norway?



Originally posted by The Fonz
Who do you think would win a war between America and Britain?

this is a war you dont WANT to happen ^_^

Does MAD ring a bell? no one would win, but would be more then enough loosers though :)


Originally posted by The Fonz
Who do you think would win a war between America and Britain?

can just imagine the upper class cricketeers of Surrey telling the US para-troopers to bugger off until they finish their game


Originally posted by inuyasha
this is a war you dont WANT to happen ^_^

Does MAD ring a bell? no one would win, but would be more then enough loosers though :)

The world would become a giant snowball.


heh, atleast I would't have to put up with my spring pollen allergies

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by inuyasha
Most of my friends just though it was finaly some real news =)
Most exciting things that happen in norway is ravaging gangs of youths turning cows over to the side =)

Oh, and the war against norway took a looong time, they had estimated about a week or two i belive, didnt they take poland in two days or so? We was the one, or among the one, of the lands they actually took, that they spent the most time taking.

We are talking empire vs norway here, speaking months is loooong, they took major cities in hours with paradrops :p

Don't forget that that the Germans invaded Norway to prevent the British to gain a foothold on the mainland - and to protect the mineral shipments from Sweden.

Poland fell within about four weeks.
Norway took twelve - plus there were English and French forces defending Norway and the Royal Navy sinking German ships. ;)

I am not trying to belittle the Norwayan defense - not at all - it just makes me cringe when I see you kicking historical facts around. ;)


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
Don't forget that that the Germans invaded Norway to prevent the British to gain a foothold on the mainland - and to protect the mineral shipments from Sweden.

Poland fell within about four weeks.
Norway took twelve - plus there were English and French forces defending Norway and the Royal Navy sinking German ships. ;)

I am not trying to belittle the Norwayan defense - not at all - it just makes me cringe when I see you kicking historical facts around. ;)

then, tell me who laster longer then norway? =)


ah well, atleast we got ze germans in the end ;) (Denmark here)

and looking back, the germans should have come over here (UK)... or atleast bombed the railways or something... could do with a new one that isn't from victorian times


Erm, my Al-Quaeda threat thread has turned into a WWII fact-fight? :p

Heres how I see it, correct me if I'm wrong:
Norway did take longer for Germany to occupy than any other european nation that was taken over: 9 April - 10 June.
Runner up France: 10 May - 22 June (Not counting Vichy-Axisfriendly- France).

BUT and its a big but: Norway faced a much smaller expeditionary force I'd imagine. France was a victim of Blitzkreig to a degree Norway wasn't beacuse Norway was invaded by sea.

Both countries were defended (unsuccessfully ) by Allies. Norwegian and Allied forces took Narvik from Germany 28 May but then on June 1 the Allies informed that they're withdrawing from Norway (Because of the situation at the western front). Allies evacuated France at Dunkirk as part of Operation Dynamo ending 5 June.

But really, what the heck does it matter? :)


BUT and its a big but: Norway faced a much smaller expeditionary force I'd imagine. France was a victim of Blitzkreig to a degree Norway wasn't beacuse Norway was invaded by sea.

afaik, this is wrong, we was in much degree attacked by paratroopers as well. The germans had mainly planned to take norway in short notice, and dispatched most armies by air? At least, most fights i saw on the ww2 movie of norway defence, was started from air drops, or fleeing from them.


The invasion was an amphibious by sea and air yes. For instance Oskarsborg Fort held its ground against the German Navy Group trying to enter the Oslofjord, and had to be neutralized by paratroops. Fornebu airport was early on taken over by paratroops which then advanced into the heart of Oslo. It was a combined effort of air and sea. But I'm pretty sure most of the troops arrived by sea though. Just like Normandy for instance. Anyway... That’s beside the point. The point is that Norway didn't experience the rapid advancing armored spearheads of Germany’s blitzkrieg.

Norway's bigest contribution to the war was with no doubt its big merchant fleet (4th largest in the world), which came under exile gov. and Allied command after Norway was occupied (NOTRASHIP). There were also Free Norwegian army units of most weapon branches and types operating in almost all theaters of war. And of course the dearing sabotage of the heavy water plant in Rjukan by a handful of heroic resistance men which helped foil Hitler's plan for obtaining Nuclear weapons.


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
I wouldn't even mention Denmark. :p
*prepares for Damon and his viking brothers to jump the thread*

/em make's some kind of loud viking'ish noice..
bahhh we had 2 front loaded muzzel gun's left over from the time the freaking Brit's stole our fleet.. how where we gonna fight uber-panzers with that :( FFS my grandfather chipped his best 2 handed axe on one of those mofu's. And being as close as we are to Germany.. I would say invading us where alot easier than invading Norway..FFS they came camouflaged as tourists..yeah maybe there new " mobilehomes " aka panzer's should have made us surspisious..but well its germans...ffs they place barbed wire on the beach when they take a sun bath

btw had your arse nerfed yet.. or should I call someone :p

Uncle Sick(tm)

My arse still needs nerfage, you fetishist troll. ;)

You going to play Planetside by the way?


ARGH SCI-FI for the sock.. nahh dont think so.. WOW or DE probably..havent played a sci-fi game since i played Buck Rogers on my Amiga :clap:

Uncle Sick(tm)

I'm not much of a sci-fi fan myself.. it's the prospect of blasting Jupitus to fine bits that made me buy the game.

Or so. ;)


Thread hijackers!!!

Btw, sorry for that cheap shot against Denmark Damon! Puhleeze don't beat me up mr Troll, you can even have all my lunch-money!


Al-Qaeda cant zerg us! we just use mad pbae and aestun4tehwin!!1!1

Uncle Sick(tm)

I just pictured a Luri Chanter dashing into the mids of a group of mezzed arab terrorists armed with AK's... damn you, Glacier.



Originally posted by Wile_E_Coyote
Thread hijackers!!!

Btw, sorry for that cheap shot against Denmark Damon! Puhleeze don't beat me up mr Troll, you can even have all my lunch-money!

Bahhh who pay's for lunch anyway../em rip's of one of Wile's leg's and starts to chow down on it..
BTW those arabic freaks would be welcome if they would stand and fight like real men.. and not send out women and children with suicide-bombs..freaking cowards

Well sick..I so much more like to hit peopel with a large axe than blast em.. guesses its the viking blood in me that run's true ;)

Uncle Sick(tm)


Not quite an axe... but won't that do?;)

Hrm... well, seems Sony doesn't like people linking to their images. There was a picture of a chainblade supposed to go there.

Not as good as an axe but might do, Damon.

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