A swift one off the wrist may reduce cancer risk



Originally posted by Munkey-
Infact its the people who HATE everybody who smokes that i hate

I hate the fact that they smoke, not the person. A lot of my friends are smokers, I ask them to not smoke around me and they do not. I think it's fair enough to ask that and so do they so it's fine :).

As for smoking being an addiction, it still does not make it a worthwhile thing to do does it I mean, an addiction is a negative thing. Computers in some respects may be addictive also, I agree. They have, however, been proven to improve your hand-eye co-ordination and one can learn a lot from different aspects of computing, aswell as being 'fluent' in the use of them being a valid career-path. You can't smoke for a living, and it certainly does you no good.


If they want to smoke, it's their choice (Well, at the start, anyway...), nobody is going to stop them.

Simply asking someone not to smoke around you, because you find it unpleasant, wields results ;)

Oh, and mirieth, stop trying to condone our computer addictions. We're addicted! Addicted! All addicted!

*manic laugh*


Originally posted by mirieth
Hi. My name is Andy, I am an addict :uhoh:.

Step 1 only, er well depends on which program you do:rolleyes:

I always dropped out after Step 1 the rest just try and make you stop:eek:

Evul program step running barstewards who smoke and play computer games and drink to excess and eat and spew and don't eat unless someone watches them and shoots up and smokes crack and does the dishes 427 times a day even when no one could have possibly used them..



gengi, you are in denial :(

Go on. Tell about yourself.

The first step towards the cure is acknowledging you have a problem.

Go on. Look at Andy, here. He's a model student!


All of my family smoke and it almost feels like it's a family trait. The main reason I don't smoke is because I want to break the chain. I can't HATE smokers because I'd hate my own family. I do not like smoking in general, not the person. Smoking wastes shit loads of money and is very unpleasant. It only causes problems and even if it does present pro's, the negative effects of smoking still far out weigh the positive ones. That's just my opinion though.

The Real Redi

I'm not giving up smoking - it'll just be another excuse for my old man to accuse me of being a quitter ;)


I always thought I was indecisive, now I'm not sure.


40p for a packet of marlboro reds out here. Thankfully the government just passed a law banning smoking in public places. They've yet to enforce it. They've also yet to enforce the other eddicat, that you have to be over 18


Congratulations Munkey,
thats cheaper than here, I'm about a quid a packet, I could possibly get them cheaper but, that may be a bit iffy, and anyway a quid is much better than £4.50 or so for 20 regal King Size at the local shop.

And for tR0g, I will take the first step

I am Gengi and I am an addict



smoking is expensive in denmark, 20 prince e.g. is about 3£

(no I don´t smoke, got enough unsavior habbits as it is ;))


I wish fewer girls smoked...kissing a smoker as a non smoker is...:puke: ..especialy if they just had a cig..as someone said " kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray " If you have to smoke..smoke a pipe with some whiskey or rum tobacco..atleast it does not make my nose wanna fall of and run away, like cigarets or cigars does

The Real Redi

Originally posted by Damon Doombring
..as someone said " kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray "

err, how did this person know? Perhaps it's not smoking that's the real issue to address here - people addicted to licking ashtrays?? :( rar...

I remember a letter in Viz once:

"When i was a child, my father caught me smoking. To teach me a lesson, he made me eat all the cigarette butts in the ashtray i had. This made me quiet ill as you can imagine, and it taught me the error of my ways. However now i find myself with no friends, and banned from my local bar, as after a few pints i find myself using the ashtrays as a kind of finger-buffet..."


A quote from "Last chance to see..." sums up my thoughts about non-smokers and how they feel about smokers:

"`Could we perhaps take a snake bite detector with us to Komodo?'
`Course you can, course you can. Take as many as you like. Won't do you a blind bit of good because they're only for Australian snakes.'
`So what do we do if we get bitten by something deadly, then?'
He blinked at me as if I was stupid.
`Well what do you think you do?' he said. `You die of course. That's what deadly means.'"

Those who get my point can clarify it to the rest, i can't be bothered to explain it. I'll tell you it's against the anti-smoking association.


Originally posted by Validus
it posesses an aura of being "cool".

I actully disagree it is now seen as an "anti-social" habbit by many, the "cool" aura you described is long dead my friend. And no I don't smoke but I do drink lots so i will die anyway :p


Since people might find my last point a elusive, i'll clarify it with another quote:

"When it's fall in New York, the air smells as if someone's been frying goats in it, and if you are keen to breathe the best plan is to open a window and stick your head in a building."

Hope that clears it.

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