A swift one off the wrist may reduce cancer risk



"If these findings hold up, then it's perfectly reasonable that men should be encouraged to masturbate," he said.

Gifv regular wank breaks at work! :clap:


Originally posted by ixnay
"If these findings hold up, then it's perfectly reasonable that men should be encouraged to masturbate," he said.

Gifv regular wank breaks at work! :clap:

You mean your not supposed to do it at work?


Soo...Teh Seel considers this:

Masturbating over 5 times a week reduces the risk of cancer.

Having sex with multiple partners increases the risk of cancer.

This seems like a case i was wondering about while in a sauna. Yes i do go to the sauna, it's an ancient custom of the planet from which Teh Seel hails from. If you smoke a cigarette, your blood circulation slows down. If you're in a sauna, it speeds up. Ergo, nutgo, do not pass and go... Smoking in a sauna keeps your blood circulation at a normal rate therefor keeping the heart at ease.

So. While having sex with two women you should before/during/after(select favorite timeperiod) masturbate. Ofcourse you need a little breather before/after but this poses no serious problem.

During might be, if asked politely and with a good accent, performed by one of the "multiple partners". Should solve that.

So, masturbate, have sex with multiple partners at the same time(saves you a lot of time when you don't have to run from one apartment to another) and you'll live as long as you might have lived anyway.

Just masturbate and you'll live longer but doubtfully happier.

Just have sex with a lot of people and you'll die younger and much happier.

Ever seen a guy who just had sex with two women sulk? :D

The Real Redi

Mr Seel, may i suggest you try getting another to bash one out for you, IN a sauna, whilst smoking?

Ah, but here we have another thing going on - Passive smoking, which i'm now told isn't nearly as harmful as it was made out to be (in fact, i guess it was made up by whining anti-smokers to try to make us feel guilty... ah well, you healthy lot :p )

If, whilst your sweating away in your little pine box, being "stroked" for want of a more polite phrase, smoking a ciggi/blunt/bong/hooka or whatever, your "Wankee" complains about the effects of passive smoking on her/his ickle lungs i quote Black Books:

"Excuse me, i'm breathing in a lot of your smoke!"
"Ah, thats ok... buy me a drink some time or something..."


<wonders if the next one to hit the newstands will be the hazards of "passive wanking"... >


Originally posted by The Real Redi

"Excuse me, i'm breathing in a lot of your smoke!"
"Ah, thats ok... buy me a drink some time or something..."

Have to use that. Class! :D

Petting the lizard in a sauna while having a ciggy sounds a bit..well...smoking during anything "sensuel" or "sexhual" isn't that appealing. But getting the jiffy taken for a ride in tongueland while in a sauna might give you a bloody heartattack! :p


Originally posted by The Real Redi

<wonders if the next one to hit the newstands will be the hazards of "passive wanking"... >

Only if you have bad aim :x.


Oh, I just have to post another one of these pictars!






Ah, that's that out of my system :D

Edit- Ok, one more!

Mister Bush and Mister Blair
That pair are oh so silly
I think the reason for this war
Is that they've got small willies
Repression is their motto
So seldom do they spank
I think they should get mutual
And share a friendly wank - Mister Paul, Ireland


I do it that often, I have become a cure for cancer


Agree with Mirieth, Your private life is private and do not belong on these boards..


Originally posted by kinag
Agree with Mirieth, Your private life is private and do not belong on these boards..

that is really his choice you know ;) as long as he does not exceed the rules for the boards he can choose to tell us anything he wants about himself..

on the other hand if it was you telling us about him, your remark would have some merit...


Originally posted by Addlcove

on the other hand if it was you telling us about him, your remark would have some merit...


Pun unintented I guess? :D


Well TBH Passive smokers have no say on their intake of whatever smoke is blown their way. I find it very selfish that smokers tend to light up without a care of who might be around them. I do not smoke myself and given the choice I would not passive smoke. Infact I hate smoking quite a lot and wish that it was outlawed or something.


Originally posted by Ekydus
Well TBH Passive smokers have no say on their intake of whatever smoke is blown their way. I find it very selfish that smokers tend to light up without a care of who might be around them. I do not smoke myself and given the choice I would not passive smoke. Infact I hate smoking quite a lot and wish that it was outlawed or something.

Absolutely and totally 100% agreed.

I know that isn't a fair comparison, but I really feel like going up to every smoker I see around me, punching them in the face and saying "sorry, that's karma dude." :p.


*tRoG sits atop the mountain and ponders this*

*tRoG gets choked by some smelly, evil, cigarette smoke*

*tRoG brings down holy hell on the minions*

The Real Redi

Hey, im not one of those guys who insists they light up staring not four inches from the face of a newborn baby or anything... damn, make it sound like all smokers are murderers who do it on purpose, with the soul intent to kill... well, some of us arent anyway ;)

Besides, that's the kind of statement that women make "All men are bastards" which lead to big, uglee, dungarees wearing lesbian feminists stomping around actually believing it.

Personally live and let live - heck this area is becoming the focus for what appears to be a crack addiction epidemic cos its so easy to get, and in such massive quantities. This has lead to the increase of theft/burglary/muggings, the streets after about 11.30 are just running alive with stumbling cracker-heads, guns are becoming as necessary to the high flying dealer as one of those silly arse upside down sun visors, and most people over the age of 50 won't leave their homes after dark - you want to know what the headline was on our local paper this week?


wha??? No debate on why the hell the old bill don't appear to know half of what the regular joe does, or why the borough is going tit's up - a debate about smoking in public...

PRIORITIES!!!!!! ffs...

rar... rant-a-thon :great: got that off my chest, expect it'll be seen as a flame, even though it could barely be considered heartburn to be honest ;)


You murderer! :D

But basicly, for those that don't do it, smoking is very unpleasant. It smells horrible, looks horrible, and makes me/us feel terrible. That's the main quip.

Personally, I really couldn't care about the health side of it... I'm gonna die some day :)


Exactly what tRoG said. It looks horrible, smells horrible and makes me stink for the rest of the day when I've been around a smoker.

Personally, I also do care about the fact that it harms my health. I'm a fairly consciencous (sp?) person in terms of my health. I eat healthily (well, fairly so ;)), I do not drink and I do not smoke. I get a fair amount of exercise and I do not take drugs of any form (although I'm not stupid, if I was seriously ill I would take medication). The fact that someone else's descision to smoke should harm me because they're selfish enough to do it in a public place absolutely disgusts me. Why should my health be jepardised due to someone else deciding they would like to burn some tobacco near me?

And just as another point, what exactly do smokers smoke for? There are no benefits from smoking, or not as far as I know. All that smoking does is damage your health and make you dependant on yet another money-wasting, pointless thing.

Rant over :).

The Real Redi

And just as another point, what exactly do smokers smoke for?

Cos it's cool, dude - makes you look hard, like a REAL man ;)

The only reason the fonz didnt smoke was because it was the 50's, and well... and... well, i bet he smoked when no one was watching! yeah... :eek7:

disclaimer: kids, everything i said above was thought with a sarcastic lilt to my accent. On reflection that doesnt come across very well, so i'll clarify: Smoking is very bad for your health - my grandad died from a combination of smoking too much and an axe to the head, and i do not encourage anyone not old enough (or drunk enough) to know better, to smoke.

wuv y'all :)


Why do people drink? In the case of the smokers, its actually quite relaxing to bugger off by yourself or with someone else for a bit and just ponder for a bit. (and no its not to do with the nicotine before someone jumps on that potnt)

On that note. I don't smoke, but i will accept one if offered in a social situation, i.e. rarely. I get nothing out of it and I have no problem with people who do smoke. Infact its the people who HATE everybody who smokes that i hate, neo-nazists. And yes i do agree that lighting up in a public place is not right. nor near someone who may find the habit offensive and the such.

Right. got that off my chest


How did a pointless wanking thread become an anti-smoking tirade :rolleyes:

Anyway here's some food for thought for you non smokers :D

A pinch of Salt May be Required

Read and inwardly digest, follow up with immediate regurgitation :p

I smoke, I know its a filthy dirty habit, I hope I am a considerate smoker. This does not mean I believe the above postulations in the URL.



Actually, smoking makes one relax. its an addiction, and it posesses an aura of being "cool". the very action of smoking involves a bit of concentration, kind of like a computer, which can be addictive too as some/most of us have noticed. i mean how would you feel if you couldn't use a computer for a week?
if you had no other interests, it may drive you mad. which is the case with all other forms of addiction.

Valid point of the day.

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