Impressed £67.5 billion... nope... 263 billion, and rising.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Off tomorrow, that doesn't stop my utter contempt for the BBC. They have long since become political, I don't wish to pay money to them any more. What are my options? Oh right, that's it. You have to pay.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Off tomorrow, that doesn't stop my utter contempt for the BBC. They have long since become political, I don't wish to pay money to them any more. What are my options? Oh right, that's it. You have to pay.
It's not really your gripe about the Beeb m8. It's just you seem a bit angrier than usual is all :)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
It's not really your gripe about the Beeb m8. It's just you seem a bit angrier than usual is all :)

Just fed up with all the absolute bollocks :)

Why everyone must pick a side (Usually left or right) and if you don't, you might as well be the other "side" it's all so ridiculous and gets nobody anywhere, any real issue gets drowned out by polarised shouty people. I should probably just not internet any more, stupid people irritate me too much. Used to be that you could avoid it by not using social media, but it's permeated everything over the last couple of years.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I resort to posting amusing things to break up the shit. Reminds you that there are people out there who can still focus on the important things in life:




Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Charlie Says:

"We still have fossil fuel subsidies, why?"

[It's] "crazy" the fact that there are still subsidies for "insane agro-industrial approaches to farming which are a disaster in many ways, cause huge damage and contribute enormously to emissions"

[And there are] similar "perverse" subsidies for the fishing industry which [cause] "mammoth damage" through trawling.

I've been bleating on about about this shit for over twenty years myself and not only has nothing been done, people still argue over the basic correctness of the argument.

i disagree with Charlie over the protestors and only lament the fact that they're only taking peaceful action. I honestly believe the issue will have to be forced.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Fuck it, give him Boris' job. Democracy isn't working anyway... ;)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003

Fucking spackers. The government couldn't care less about them blocking roads, in what shape or form would they be? The only people being bothered are normal people going to work, who will rightfully call them a set of fuckwits. This sort of group is incredibly dangerous in that it gets public opinion against them, not with them. Protest against the government, not the public, it doesn't work, never has, never will.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003

Fucking spackers. The government couldn't care less about them blocking roads, in what shape or form would they be? The only people being bothered are normal people going to work, who will rightfully call them a set of fuckwits. This sort of group is incredibly dangerous in that it gets public opinion against them, not with them. Protest against the government, not the public, it doesn't work, never has, never will.
Protest against the government how?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Not by blocking people from getting to work or in a couple of cases, hospital.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I refer you to my previous cop out.

I seem to recall you moaning about the Iraq War demos and their total ineffectiveness.

Do you expect this seemingly more niche set of protestors to march on parliament in a similarly ineffective manner? If not, how do they protest government?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
How the fuck would I know? But not by irritating people. Instead of sympathy for their cause, they just think they are dickheads. Especially when their spokesman comes out with stuff like that. They are outright driving people away from the message that we need to change.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
How the fuck would I know?
Ignore this lot. How about any protest?

If the Tories legalised child rape and you wanted to get together and peacefully protest it - how do you do that in a way that makes you un-ignorable?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Certainly not by stopping people from getting to work or getting to hospital, on what planet would that work for anything? March on Downing Street, glue themselves to the gates. That would be far more effective. Block HS2, cost government money.

I'm not going to get into a circular argument with you. They are a danger to the progress being made within public opinion regarding various issues. I get the feeling they aren't that bothered though, $$$ is what it's for.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not going to get into a circular argument with you.
You're not actually getting into any argument - you've not put an argument forward, just repeated "I don't like this".

Fair enough. You've got no idea. Neither do I. Not because both of us are stupid - far from it. It's because there IS no way of protesting in an un-ignorable fashion without inconveniencing people.

Playing into Tory hands, building public support for their ridiculous bill.

This is cowardice from the guardian. Especially since governments have been using "whatever" as an excuse to restrict our liberties on multiple occasions in the last few decades. They're just using this lot as the latest "whatever" as their excuse.

The guardian should be attacking the public for their lack of solidarity with protestors and the government for using them as a transparent excuse to sideline our right to peaceful protest.

From your article:
our homes are among the draughtiest and least energy-efficient in Europe. For years, environmental campaigners and Green party politicians have pushed the retrofitting of housing as a policy; now, direct action has put insulation in the headlines and kept it there for weeks.

I, quite frankly, am horrified when anyone dies in hospital because they couldn't get there due to a protest. But I'm more horrified by intransigent inaction. I'm fully supportive of their direct action because we're for the first time arguing about insulation - when they were peacefully protesting in your preferred completely ignorable fashion nobody was talking about it.

Now they are. They may hate it. But they are talking about it. Which, by any measure, is a massive win.

I fully support their direct action. I wouldn't mind a jot if they did a lot more of it. And I blame any horrors on the fact that "environmental campaigners and green party politicians (and scientists) have pushed the retrofitting of housing as policy" for years - and been ignored by government - so it's the governments fault that people feel driven to take this direct action.

You're shooting the desparate messenger. I refuse to. It shouldn't have been allowed to get to this point, but now it has. And it's going to get a lot worse. Fighting in the streets (and more) is what it's going to take to progress on a lot of environmental issues.

Bring it on.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Drax being considered 'green' has always been laughable.
It's one of the worst power stations in europe.

They used to burn a fuckload of cheap dirty coal - which blanketted the area in bad air. It was massively illegal in terms of emissions and they (and the authorities) knew it. But when it came to their emissions testing they would import lots of very expensive anthracite and burn hot - then switch back to the shit when the tests were complete.

Full government knowledge of this too.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The actual face of protesting in the UK

Just to be clear - the screaming fat bitch in the range rover desparate to drive her kid to school hadn't taxed her car...


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
The actual face of protesting in the UK

Just to be clear - the screaming fat bitch in the range rover desparate to drive her kid to school hadn't taxed her car...

Yeah, it's pretty awful. You can have your views on the protesters, but I don't think you ever have the right to do that shit.

There's also videos of the public helping the Police move them on, when I say helping, I mean some of them are very aggressive and heavy handed, whilst the police more or less encouraged it; I can't think of any other situation where they would allow that.

I don't understand why people start getting irate with them it's pretty clear that they're not going to move, and wherever you're going isn't going to blame you if you're late due to protestors, it's all a bit hysterical to me.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
That headline. She wasn't pushed by the car. The driver steered her car at and drove into the woman.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
For the members of this forum who think these protestors are taking things too far and should be just waving flags ineffectually at westminster (or something).

Remember the Suffragettes. The people we admire for getting the vote for women. Those people?

They had a significant amount of the public against them. It wasn't really a "popular" movement - they didn't "carry public opinion" with them.

What did they do? They chained themselves to gates, yep. Blocked roads. Yep, that sort of thing. Oh, and they set fire to post boxes and smashed windows.

Oh yes! And the bombing campaign! That's it! The widespread bombing and property-burning campaign. Mainly targetted (but not exclusively) at places rich men went.

You don't need to take an apathetic public with you. You kick the fuck out of things until the government is forced to change it's stance. And you ignore the retard public, because they're never going to be on your side anyway.

Good on them suffragettes. They knew how protest actually works. Makes these insulate britain types look like they're doing no more than writing stern letters.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Scouse, mate. They have publicly come out and said that they don't care about insulating anything. They are doing it for the sake of being cunts.

Nice little go-fund me pot though...


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
You can disagree all you like @Embattle, but that's the true story :)

They have publicly come out and said that they don't care about insulating anything.
Yeah, you allow yourself to get rammed by a fat bitch in a range rover whilst holding up a sign saying "insulate britain" without caring about insulating anything. None of these people care.

Crack on with your fantasy m8.

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