Yummy Yummy Yummy!



you guys _got_ to learn how to plan an attack during the day... :)


Wow, nice going... different than the situation on Prydwen at least :) Check our situation out, heheee....


grats on getting your relic back ( and pld getting ours while you were at it ). The situation is temporary however ( assuming Midgard can unite on this one and organise a focused, well led attack to get our relics back that isn't led by a brain dead Rambo-esque teenager with a serious attitude problem, but I digress ). I just hope that Excalibur isn't heading into a similar situation as Prydwen whereby 1 realm absolutely dominates the server ( this would be the end of me on Excalibur )

And one more thing to all the Middies who bitch/moan/whinge about the fact the Albs did it at 3AM. Guys, this is ultimately a war game. The correct tactical decision to make when organising a raid is to attack when your enemy is least able to offer any real resistance. This isn't lame. Its clever. Don't flame, bitch or whinge about it, just accept we were tactically out manouevered and take it on the chin, like adults. Damn, some Middies are so gung-ho it annoys me, the attitude appears to be "we r0x0r cos we are teh melee realm, lets attack at prime time and 0wn the Albs muahahahwa". This is supremely stupid given the level and numbers advantage Albion now has.

The only way we can counter Albion now is to be MORE clever than they are. As it stands now, we are not only weaker, smaller, less well organised but we are significantly more stupid as well.



I totally agree with Chesnor...no more whining about times etc. All realms can do same. It will take some time and dedication and readyness to be overly tired next day :)

And summer coming...many youngsters will have vacations..so i expect so more thos late nite, early morning raids.


shh about my lvls...::shames::


I totally agree with Chesnor. He points the situation right at the heart. Very soon a lot of players will be lvl 50 and then real chaos will start. Guilds raiding keeps on their own, early skirmishes, etc. etc. And for the info the raid was already on at 11 PM and ended at 3 AM (with the 2nd relic in our relic fort). It took us -/+ 2 hours to get ours first back.. And this was a quick-get-ready-in-30-minute-relic-raid-assault. Hell I wanted to do something else but a raid is far more fun then crafting some dum useless items.. (btw how high can craft skill go in this version?)

you guys _got_ to learn how to plan an attack during the day...

Hmm I didn't see any mids trying to get the relic back... And we tried to get ours back on primetimes... so arguement is a bit ridiculous.


Originally posted by chesnor
[The only way we can counter Albion now is to be MORE clever than they are. As it stands now, we are not only weaker, smaller, less well organised but we are significantly more stupid as well. [/B]

well lets face it you are

1. "weaker" (koboldts)
2. "smaller" (dwarfs AND koboldts)
3. "stupid" (trolls)

so you have your fair share of catching up to do, ever though about fertilizing the dwarfen and koboldian ancient homes? maybe you in 20 years time can have normal sized chars then :p

oh well until you bring the can opener to the battlefield and learn how to see the difference between a caster and a friar

yours truly

[post scriptum]
don't learn to tell the difference anyways, I love whooping blue con trolls thinking they are about to melee an yellow/orange caster
[/post scriptum]


All this time crap is boring :)
Theres no way u could take a relic during the day. With any defending the keep its impossible..so blah blah and blah!

Originally posted by SFXman
Wow, nice going... different than the situation on Prydwen at least :) Check our situation out, heheee....

<looks at the keep/relic situation>

LOL!!! Urm :) Nearly all middy, heh heh. Must be poo for rvr?



Originally posted by Zenox
LOL!!! Urm :) Nearly all middy, heh heh. Must be poo for rvr?

Reaaaaaaaallllyyyyyyyyyyyy? Us Albions have ONE L50, Midgard has way over 10. Hibbies had 0 just like a few days ago or maybe even still have 0.
These numerous level 50's tend to camp our PK which makes Emain even more interesting since 5 L50s can take down a hell-of-a-load of 40+ dudes... we did push back the mids all the way to their PK in Emain just this Monday... but still.
The situation will change though :)


Erm, Alb has now 2 L50s... and Midgard more likely 20+ :)
+ all relics etc... raah. Makes ganking greys more fun ;-)


Originally posted by kr0n
Erm, Alb has now 2 L50s... and Midgard more likely 20+ :)
+ all relics etc... raah. Makes ganking greys more fun ;-)
2 L50's?! Who is the other one? Psi? Who!? I want to know, and yes Midgard has loads probably :D

PS: OMG my cousin actually posted something, first thing I saw you post btw :)

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