elaTC said:Yesterday in camelot hills whiping so many players with a 5 man group.
Amuse said:no challenge in runing with groups at low lvls ;(
Cabalist, actually Going spirit till 40Tualatin said:ur a bonedancer than i guess? get to 35 and make me ding =P
Amildin said:the old days, all the old days.
Oli7er said:few good moments... like knokker (troll h2h savage) adding on my shade, then getting pooned, IP-ing, getting pooned again and then running away and zoning twas kinda cheat though - traitor mainhand > most
fl3a said:infil not shade imo
Kaap said:Gothwaite, a minstrell and blademaster were greyganking every lowbie around. I ran into the woods on the small hill behind harbor. There I found a purple con firby wearing crap gear and hiding behind a tree.
Killed it, nice exp and rps and a lot of /sends from the minstrell and blademaster for killing their BB
Think that was my bd? I remember dying after sitting by a oneshot from a ranger -.-.Bahumat said:my ranger shot a bd at the portal....some casters are noobs and when bt gone they dont realise....this guy sat down after i shot his bt., got a crit lined up and 1 shot the git.
also killed an afk 50 in a town. the guy was asleep as it was about 4ish in the morning. all he was doing was jumping up and down.
Bahumat said:oh yeah another funny moment was Fear doing ml3 i think it was. we got to the chess step and everyone got the steps except me and monstret.
he was controlling the king and i have to activate all the other pieces. took me 15 times and they says its a 50-50 chance of winning. it would not of been so bad if i could of controlled 1 piece not 9 or so