Your Best R.V.R Moment



personally mines was when my ranger was 41, and got mezed by some mid person, my dance macro wasnt working until he hit me, so i hit back with my swords and we kept on hitting each other (he was yellow con btw) and i kept on thumping the after evade style and he kept on thumping and shouting me, we got down to 1% each and my pathfinding served me well with the final hit and kill him.....i then made the worst mistake ever...i laughed at him.. (but c'mon it was funny as hell..) then his stealthed mate in the trees decided to shoot an arrow in me.....ouch.

it was my best moment cause my ranger out tanked a tank (or mid tank..which aint a real tank i spose) then my own glee got me killed !


The last 3 days of beta and the last day being the best day of all!


Originally posted by noob_pride
The last 3 days of beta and the last day being the best day of all!
Hehee... Eleasias running around whooping people. I remember that... always some minstrel speeding him along and I'd go "woot Eleasias is here" as I saw mids eat the dust :p


RvR'ing with a fg of good players and wiping fg after fg of hibs/albs and winning against superior odds several times for like 6hours. Pressed our skill to the limit, and we came out on top, it was unbe-fucking-lievable to see the amount of rp's we ended up with after that day :)


Must have been when me and remi wiped 5NS and a ranger at amg once, they had killed us easily a while before but this time they had fought a couple of tanks if i remember right and we got there just after they had stealthed after fight, didnt know it was so many (was only three of them when they wiped us first time) so i went in and PAd one of the NS, we finsihed him pretty quickly, then 2 more ns came and we fought for our lives, a couple more ns popped and ranger started shooting, in the end we got some help from fg albs or something so the last two was not we only, but even so, 6 ppl against me and remi and we were the ones standing, couldnt believe our luck :) And i know that this was a 1 in a million fight but damn it felt good :) Wont mention names since i cant remember for sure who it was there but i guess the ppl that were there remember it :p


I remember it well. I'm suprised that I do as it never seems to happen:

I was mezzed by some hib something or other. I purged as a hero came in to attack. Get this... my warrior actually BLOCKED a hit against the hero. I died a few seconds later, but I BLOCKED dammit.

I don't think I'll ever see that happen again, but here's to hoping.


one of my favorite would be either killing someone from inside the glacier giants foot in odin's :D

or the second to last alb relic raid on dagda, (second to last one that failed anyway, think they got a relic once) a lvl 50 infil with bad stealth spots me inside the keep and decides that a grey con caster (was lvl 33 at the time) would be a fun kill, but i spot him coming, and turn to avoid pa, by some stroke of luck i resist poison and quickcast a stun, then back off laughing like hell behind my keyboard as the uber archers turn him into an insane copycat of a pin cusion :D

sigh, that brought some laughs that one! :)


The first nite of 1.49 when, after the mad rush to get epic armour, we ventured into DF for the first time. Awesome atmosphere as we ventured deeper, fighting new mobs and enviously watching who got the seals each time...then rounded a corner and the cry went up 'Middies!!!!'

Both sides charged in, totally forgetting where we were. Aoe stuns, mezzes, hammers, spears, fire and smite raining down...and 30 secs later both sides dead to mob aggro :)


My kill on fatbelly when I was lvl 36 and my second time in rvr.

He was shooting some albs with shade from the top of amg. I crept up, adrenaline rushing, came up behind him and as he turned round to face me I PAd him for 150 odd damage. I guess I threw him off balance as he then proceeded to plumet down from AMG after which my bleed ticked, yeah I didn't know about poisons up to level 40, and got some rps :)


must be killing Cylian after she jumped me when i was logging in :)

ah that was sweet

killing a pissed off zerker at mpk was sweet to
to bad my realmmates where a bit pissed of :p


Not sure about favorite, but certainly one of the funnier ones.

Was a group of us in Berkstead keep I think, a while back now, think I was about lvl41-42, we had not long taken the keep and were just running about because a stealther had been about. Mids had all but 2 of our keeps at the time (so we are talking a good 4-5 months ago if not longer ;)) when someone who was being chased by a patrol ported into the keep. He was half dead and thought he was safe, unluckily for him, the patrol just ran through the walls and preceded to bash his head in. Once he was dead, the patrol then went nuts and started attack the group I was in (we had stayed behind cos someone had been killed by this stealther and we wanted revenge), I thought it was so funny watching these jarls run at twice our speed around the keep killing my group and the keep guards not doing a thing to help. As it turned out, I got 1 jarl (red con i believe) to half hp before I died and blocked him no less than 4 times during the fight, was quite happy about that, but I think the group chat got a bit heated about the person who pulled the patrol into the keep. :p


In crau buying catapult ammo....enough to make movement a near impossibility but possible none the less. Whilst talking to the merchant I hear a noise from behind me and turn to see an Infiltrator about 2 steps away from me lying on the floor dead after one of the guardians had spotted him and killed him. I just looked down at his corpse, realised what had nearly happened then pointed at him and said "Yeah! And let that be a lesson to you".....pity really that 1) He couldn't understand me and 2) I really could of done with a quick release back to Hibbie as I was then faced with a very long walk whilst moving so slowly I was able to keep moving and cast spells at the same time :)

...Hmm either that or was when I was about lvl 27 and grouped with Fair and Vantros. A red con stealther jumped us and killed Fair. Van then proceeded to triple weild the guy whilst I filled him full of arrows. First kill in real RvR and think I made about 63 rps from it. Amazing when you consider I was used to getting a paltry 1rp a kill from BG's :p

old.Ayam Ganbatte

It was recently, finding two 'blues' and a 'yellow' in jamtland mountains at the same time, killing all three. Plenty of emotes during the fight (us healers take a while to down anybody), much fun and from the way they were acting, I think that they enjoyed themselves as much as I. The victory itself was good, but their attitudes, even in a loss that some 1337 dudes would find embarassing, seemed just as great.


having a skald and hunter on me. killed the hunter in 3 hits then the skald in 3 hits and didnt even lose a single HP, at level 46. both of them were level 50 :eek:

Bleri McThrust

Had lots of great moments before I reached lvl 50 :)

Sadly there doesnt seem to be so many really good ones since :(

And reading the replies it looks like the same goes for otheres lol.


the funniest time was probably in the mid fronteir, was with about 2 fg's and we were running around killing middies when we saw a couple run away from the bottom of a hill so both groups moved to the top of the hill hoping to catch them on the other side but when we got on top of the hill there was a caster, a quick check revealed him to be purple(to lvl 50)
he was a strayed boarder keep guard and promtly destoryed everyone in seconds, it was annoying but I couldn't help laughing ;)


Getting ganked by that uber minstrel alpha, i was so happy i spammed /gu and /as chat for hours.

And everyone was like, "Aww grats mate", "Wow, your so uber", "fuck me, he owned you... WOW!!"

... Nah, seriously the best RvR experience (in waking memory) was when i was stumbling through albion and found my way to the tower near the FS frontier keep. Turned out there were 2fg of FoM dudes in there and about 3fg's of albi's outside (don't ask how i missed them) after about 20mins of failed charges i got a res call and buggered off out the back window, 30secs later i was spammed with death msgs :/

Oh, and when i went bad after ressing the dude i was attacked by a guard and then a yellow con armsmen came along and 'owned me' while i was still beating down on this NPC guard. Typical, the /laugh's kinda got on my nerves but then it happens i guess :)


there is no feeling like planning+ executing a relic raid and carrying the relic in ur backpack.. few other events in daoc come close in terms of adrenalin rush.


Originally posted by Novamir
there is no feeling like planning+ executing a relic raid and carrying the relic in ur backpack.. few other events in daoc come close in terms of adrenalin rush.

you've obviously never tried to run right down the throat of an albion zerg then into the distance with about 5fg's on your ass swords drawn while spamming '/laugh' and mashing the sprint button frantically :)


'twas the day I was lvl 43
'twas the first day of my RvRing :)

I was at AMG in Emain.
I solo killed a red troll with my little cleric. :):):)


The day I first saw a huge (for me) ZERG (+100 middies) :):):)


My first RvR experience.

Nothing prepared me for the adrenaline rush I got when I first encountered a group of enemies.

Typically though, I missed most of it. Our guild was trotting through Uppland, and took a shortcut through some trees. I heard the usual sounds of battle, and saw health bars going down, and just went into auto mode (my char was a healer), healing team mates until they'd cleared what I thought was a bunch of aggro mobs we'd bumped into (couldn't see anything because of trees).

It was only after it was all over, and we'd won!, that I realised what had happened. BAH! Still, I got to actually see the archer that tried to kill me, well... not for that long as he went doen very quickly under a barrage of Middy hammers and axes ;)


my first ever RvR encounter was at lvl 6 when a lvl 40+ teza whacked me and a druid in the gorge, right next to the entrance, bloody campers :), that was during the second week or so of retail too.

my first RVR encounter when i killed someone was at lvl 23, when i solo'd a full group of green con albs in odin's gate :D, was ace fun! void spec actually did proper damage back then too...sigh....:)


my first time in emain at lvl 15, when no one touched me :)

i was in emain for 3 hours (Primetime) only to log back in near the bowl and an infil to PA me within 30 seconds.

Or, at lvl 38, killing a red con caster, solo, who had lagged a bit from the zerg. it was a VERY close fight, but my snare tagged him when he ran at 5% hp :)


Fighting mids outside their prince in DF just after it opened. We'd just killed the alb prince and were making our way across to the mid prince. We came up the ladder and spotted a large group of mids resting, presumably about to go for the prince. A couple of AE mezzes later and whee in flow the RPs :D


Me and meepthor defending berks from 8 mids and killing them all,having death sit down beside my theurg and then dancing, stealthing then waved:D


one of our best guild moments was when we took fensair the keep near mid dl with 3 fg of td then went an camped theri dl an ran back to fens when we got out numberd then a little l8ter in the evenin 2fg of cbh joined us an we stayed theri all nite fitin mids outside theri portal keep an defendin fens from them was much foon an rlm points

an one of my other fav moments was when i had 3 pbt on me an i survived a 1fg vs 1fc encounter an that was with 2 wardens usin all their mana healin me an me sprintin in a circle constanly with 3 pbt on me LOL it rocked had mincers stunin me dd me an intraiters an tanks all chasin me an all my group were chasin them in one big circle was foon


So many... sniffle.. all with my warrior really...

The time I was outside the frontier keep in Cruachon Gorge with my skald friend (blue to me) and a thane (green to me) at level 35, we spotted some green/blue hibs xping nearby, waited for them to rest and killed them, then waited for their friends - a group of 3 yellow heroes, a yellow druid, a yellow ranger and a green enchanter came out to play. The fight took place just out of range of the realm guards, the thane fell, I dropped a hero, me and my skald friend dropped another hero, she was killed, I was left fighting a hero, druid, ranger and enchanter... killed the hero, druid and ranger, had about 1 hp left and the enchanter finished me off from near the realm guards... but still, one of my best ever experiences on this game.

Then there was the biggest battle I've been in... picture this, earlier on me and a few others had been killed by a level 50 cleric named Khaine and his friends, and I'd just gathered together an army for a relic raid at DC in Emain... we saw quite a lot of middie death-messages, an Alb zerg was on the rampage, we decided to go on with the raid anyway,but as we came out of the DC valley we sighted the Albs heading towards MMG, so without thinking I yelled "charge!" and lept into them, with the middie army at my back. There must have been at least 50 on each side, we were hacking them down left right and centre, and the element of suprise probably gave us the victory.. in the dying moments, as one of the few survivers, I swung my 2 handed sword through another yellow and saw Khaine cutting my realm mates down... I pounced on him, and hacked him down... then the surviving albs fled, we chased them down and stopped to lick our wounds, before going on to capture Dun Bolg ;)

Those were both in the days before RA's and Epic armour, and RvR was so much fun in those days I long for them to return...


I love the blue conn tanks who run over towards the "orange caster" who is mezzed and attack me with their weapon. One evade and the mezz is helpfully broken 4 seconds later and two staff styles later they have half health and prolly getting the shock of their life hehe. Always put a smile on my face.

The first lvl 50 troll warrior i soloed was nice too. Nice feeling to dish out that 3000 hp of damage (he ip'd once and i think at least one heal) before he could take 1500 off me was a great feeling :)

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