You'll probably laugh but....



Does anybody have experience of anarchy online?

Is it any good or should I go outside and hit myself with a stick until I my eyes start bleeding and I forget about giving it a go?

Is it full of idiots or is it a little gem that has bad press?

The official website says it's great, I'm just struggling to believe them.

EDIT : So no then :(


I've heard many bad things about exploiters etc ruining the economy...

but that might be in the past...

Looks interesting, be nice to change genre for a bit ;)

Hrm nah I'm too hooked ;)


I played it when it first came out for about 2 weeks, it was horrible. Bugfest galore, it really screwed them over releasing an entirely unfinished game. They were clearly way over budget and were probably forced into the situation, a lot of people tried it and quite possibly paid the £28 for the downloadable version (as I did :eek: ) then left. This must have given them a big influx of money, they persevered and improved the game tenfold.

Quite a funny article here about its initial release. However I have a friend who stuck with it through the hard times, many many people came and went. The server populations are poor to say the least, but he swears by it. I have had a look since and have to admit am tempted to try it again.

Problem now is most of the people who now play it are veterans and it would be hard to start fresh. But if you do I have been given the sound advice to start as a 'fixer' :)


*starts reading article*

*realises its so long that by the time hes finished reading he will have missed around 10 posts worth of spam*

*hits the - button and saves it for later*


If U think AO's bad, try Legend Of Mir :):puke:


Isnt LOM the one with the crap italian tv channel?


I still have the CD and the CD-key somewhere around here.. tried it and loved it to start with, but had to quit it since it was a bugfest as the others said :)

Well.. so I was tempted to start again so I downloaded the free 7 days trial version of the game, I liked it.. when I started I was almost harassed by CSR trying to ask me how I was, how my dog was and if I had any questions about AO..

I did the fatal mistake of moving outside the training grounds....
where I saw a player actually named "13337dewd666".. I sat down, quit the game and uninstalled it and I've never caugth myself thinking of playing AO anymore.

wolvon fury

I played AO, and enjoyed every bit of it.

But sci-fi ernt my thing, i like fantasy much more, so i moved to DAoC.

Come to think of it, i was playing AO about a week ago, as you are correct mostly veterans, but some newbies (i met a few)
Aye, atm if you do play, best off starting a fixer they seem to be a great class now (not like in the old days of gimpness)

The game has great idea's, and much better role-play themed than DAoC if you ask me, on the game, you get your own apartment, you can buy stuff for it,ect.

You can go shopping, by your self some nice cloths, go the the clubs ect, hehe, had some great laughs there,

People remember me, of the Atrox running around in a thong

And they have a expansion pack comeing out soon, shadow isle or somethink, am gonna try that out when it comes,

A Game with great idea's just not sure they used them all...

Halo | NS

Well download of CD has just started. Should be finished at 12 tonight :(


400mb down, 159mb to go..... (eta is 11:30)

I'm actually thinking of telling you all what it's like on my first 24 hours there. After reading piles of reviews saying it's actually quite good, I muct admit I'm rather intrigued by the whole thing.

I swear that if I meet one '733t d00d' I'm going to quit straight away. That's the only thing worrying me about the experience, meeting idiots....:rolleyes:

wolvon fury

LOL, then you won't like the cute little leets,

There a litle mob in the newbie zone, and when you attack them they say:I OWNZ J00, or PH33R ME, hehe its actually quite funny,

I might give it a whirl, post of forusm when your gonna play, and i join with my lowbie twink, and give you some money


AO is some freaky shit!

I'm still trying to work out everything and have somehow managed to progress to level 2. LEET's are annoying but kinda funny though.

I bought some night vision goggles and I can't use them for some reason and the skill screen confused the hell outta me.

I'll tell you all about it tomorrow no doubt. For now....sleep.


I played AO from launch. I wished i'd waited a month or 2 coz it was pretty pathetic, could only stay logged on for about 30mins if lucky. Lag in cities was horrid.

But, after a while it got alot better. I still have my account, i log in and pay for a month every once in a while. :) What i will say is that the music and GFX are fantastic. Watching the sunrise in the middle of 'bot mountain' was quite breathtaking. I've had some of my best online gaming moments ever with AO and a group out in the middle of nowhere, exploring stuff. :) I got an adventurer upto around 50 i think.

I still have a soft spot for it, but, after playing DAoC it's just doesn't seem to have the solid feel to make me play all the time.


I played AO for 1 month and 1 day (I remember that cos I got billed for another month) before quitting to play daoc.

Although it had some great ideas - such as being able to `drag an item` to the chat box - I found it became to repetitive too quickly.

I really can`t remember what lvl I reached, but I had to buy the same sledgehammer with slightly increased stats about 10 times and it was a similair story for my nanobot programs i.e. buffs.

I know this is similair to daoc in that we progress thro` 10 lvls of weapon grades and all buffs spells are the same as you progress thro them, albeit with different names - it was just AO made it more obvious that this was the case!!

To summarise this slightly rambling post, by all means go and try it out - but be aware that by the time you reach lvl 30 (out of 200) you will probably have seen most of what this game has to offer.


the music is mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Mythic GET a descent musicteam!¤!"#%


tindel, in 1.51 there is still the same old music, but between towns and whatever it is more atmospheric from teh extra sounds and whatever. trust me if you play on a us server and then go back to euro you will notice hte silence :)


Heh, I already have my own apartment.....apparantly. It's a lot to take in but I'm getting there.

Still no idea how to make a decent agent but I've got a crappy eye implant so that's cool.

With Shadowbane coming out soon, am I willing to spend all that cash to play Anarchy Online for just a few months? I don't know...........


I've played AO for a couple of weeks, and one thing that struck me, when i changed to DAoC, was the difference in combat. The difference between melee combat and ranged combat is just weird in AO. Actually... there is hardly no difference... Very bad, and DAoC is a LOT better in that department.
But some stuff in AO is better than DAoC, like some graphics and music.
But the combat system really put me off...

wolvon fury

Whats your
Fraction:- (Omni,Nuetral,Clan)

I suggest for first timers, the Martial Artist, that class is very cheap and kicks bloody ass

The Agent is a very hard class to play

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