You know you want it... It's Teh Seel!



So you're sitting there, wondering what Teh Seel is on about this time, what Teh Seel is or what the meaning of life is. I can answer the first two, the third you have to see for yourself(shameless movieline-ripoff). And since i know noone is interested in finding out -what- Teh Seel is except a fluffy thing on a floating piece of frozen water, i'll go straight to the point. What on earth is Teh Seel on about this time?

The answer is simple in it's complex self:

Teh Seel talks about FAQ's!

Ok, now for all you pervy perverts out there a FAQ is not what you're giggling about with your friends at the moment. A FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions. Now normal people might talk about FAQ's like WWW Security FAQ but Teh Seel is hardly normal and thazt wouldn't create much discussion or even be slightly entertaining to the ones reading this thread. No, Teh Seel is going deep under the fabric of the interweb and is going to bring you two of the TRULY needed FAQ's there are around. "Why only two?" you might ask, and teh Seel might answer: "There is no more time because the Fuzzball Tournament of the Gods is beginning."

Now grab your girlfriend, give her a kiss goodbye, ask her to feed your pet 'cause you might not want to go back to the mundane life you have once you read:


First thing that struck my preverbial sensors like a ton of bricks was:


Now i wasn't quite sure what this site was about but evidently it had something to do with: "introduction to a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) about GNU Emacs 19 with answers." It reads as the first line after: "Introduction" so i'm guessing(an educated guess) that it's what they talk about.

Now they proved my point of the meaning of a FAQ so i liked this FAQ quite a bit allready. Now i know what you're asking in your mind, quietly so your mother wont wake up from her beautysleep: "Are the answers on this page valid with the GNU Emac 18?"

No, sadly as stated on the site: "Some of the answers are not valid for GNU Emacs 18."

Shame really but let's not bother about that and move on with the page. There are really many interesting things about the GNU Emac 19 in there, such as:

How do i debug .emac files?
How can I make Emacs automatically scroll horizontally?

and we all want to know How do I insert `>' at the beginning of every line? .

Ain't that something? This site alone helped me immensly in my quest for gold and trinkets. Let's move on to the next exiting and mindshocking FAQ!

I love to exersise and work my body to a tight and trim much as i like to stick hot needles in my bum while organising my sockdrawer while talking to my grandmother on the phone. But there is hope for the loose and limb body of Teh Seel still, atleast after i read the great...the magnificent... Aerobics FAQ!

Do remember to read the disclaimer or yo might miss interesting things like: "The questions and answers in the aerobics FAQ represent our best effort to provide general information. "

So they provide information with the FAQ. Isn't that allready worth trying it out? It's general people! General information is what we generally!

And this is an important "general information" as well from the disclaimer: "It is best to consult a doctor before beginning any lifestyle change involving exercise if are very overweight or overfat... "

Remember, being overweight doesn't mean you're overfat. Even being fat doesn't mean you're OVERfat! It's like uberfat! It's the level 50 of fatness if it was a characterclass on DAoC with RA's like "Munchies" and "Must Eat Horse!". Now, even if you are fat(which is ok in this book) and not OVERfat then you might click on and move to the next section.

About the Aerobics FAQ: The FAQ is being maintained by the group's founder, Bobbie Rivere. It has been formulated by using the most frequently asked questions from the people who read

Bobbie must be a very fit person, or fat(not overweight or overfat) and be very popular with the people who read but not very wise when it comes to business. Especially since the questions on this FAQ are asked by people who read the page, who get their answer and move on. Bad for business that is. I'd suggest Bobby uses cliffangers that keep the people coming back to the page, such as:

"How to keep your fatness in shape and not become OVERfat weekly advice by Bobby!"

"How much pie can you eat before you feel you have to use the stairmaster 2000 pie eating contest!"

"How to bring your creditcard number to my easy access every day with three easy steps that change every day!"

Also remember that there is the: "contact page" where you can give Bobby his credit for the hard work and dedication he has for this excellent page.

Now don't be rude and ---"SEND vicious insults about his mothers poodle"--- or a bad person and ---"SEND Bobby gay-porn links!"--- because Teh Seel believes this is wrong and shouldn't be done to any person..."especially Bobby!" a person who shouldn't get bad words from his interesting page.

There you go, two quite interesting FAQ's from the world of the OVERfat interweb. Now the Fuzzball tournament is beginning and we all know the kickoff is the best part. Until next time, have fun out there and I'll be back(another shameless movieline-ripoff).


Holy shit this guys must've been bored.


VI > all


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