Yet another cabalist thread...


Cap'n Sissyfoo

Umm...they suck because they are so damn good! Does that make sense? No? Let me explain...

Because they are soo good at soloing and killing everything that moves it is only a matter of time before they take a big whooping nerf bat right up their butt holes!

Cabby whine threads are the new 'in' thing! Waahey!


plz plz as a new year's resolution can u pls try and find a way to kill urself

how hard can it be?


Cabalists aint that good at all if you compare them with the classes from the other realms. They only look good if you compare them with most other Albion classes which almost all suck like hell.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Gunnerr, your attempts to disguise your undying love for me with blinding psychotic hatred are SOOOO transparent. :p


Originally posted by Sissyfoo
Umm...they suck because they are so damn good! Does that make sense? No? Let me explain...

Because they are soo good at soloing and killing everything that moves it is only a matter of time before they take a big whooping nerf bat right up their butt holes!

Cabby whine threads are the new 'in' thing! Waahey!

I must admit I just love the 'low level cabbies' out there in emain (say, lvl 43) who think:

Wow, that's a perfect mezz that sorc pulled off.. But hey: If it's in sorc AoE-range, perhaps it's in my AoE-dot range as well.. Let's try, coz I do uber-leet-damage with that dot on gobbies:

Cast AoE-dot: What the fuck? I only do 32 damage the tick?!?!?! Oh no, the whole mezz is gone and they kill the poor sorc and his fg.

Sometimes I wished the siegebolt works on realmmembers as well :)


theres always the odd n00b theurg what overwrites a nice sorcerer mes with 26 sec crap thrug mes ;)...


Originally posted by Tilda
theres always the odd n00b theurg what overwrites a nice sorcerer mes with 26 sec crap thrug mes ;)...

NO! It's 27 sec!!!! :D

But that happens as well. That's why I don't do CC when I am grouped with a sorc unless he looks very sleepy.

And sorcs have that nice 'whorehouse-casteffect' so you can easily spot if he's casting or not (they should remove that thing, it's so easy for mids/hibs to spot the sorc)

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Heh...I remember an Air Theurg laughing at my sorc saying that his mezz was better than mine.../SLAP!

What are the best tactics for RvRing with a matter cabby? I guess grouping with a Sorc and his Con debuff would be nice. Is it just a case of DoT and run? ;)



I'm mezzing around
Move outta my way
I know you're loving me
'Cos you like it like this.
I'm rooting it down
'Cos I'm still alive
I know you're loving me
'Cos you like it like this.

Traded in some nuking sorrow
For some CC joy that I borrowed
From back in the day
Threw away my old dropped clothes
Got myself a better epic wardrobe.
I got something to do
I'm not through till I'm through
Ain't no point in looking back
That archers hit the sack.
And did I forget to mention
My debuffs found a new direction
And it leads back to me, yeah.

I'm mezzing around
Move outta my way
I know you're loving me
'Cos you like it like this.

I'm rooting it down
'Cos I'm still alive
I know you're loving me
'Cos you like it like this.

The mistakes tanks have made
Have given me the strength
To really believe
That no matter specced caba-tit
Is every gonna break it.

And so on and so forth until you have drank WAY too much Martini and ruined your best dancing shoes because people keep standing on them. Gah.

Hold on, was this thread even ABOUT sorcerers? Pffft...who cares.

:wub: to Tilda! GIV DOTZ PLZ.

Cabalists rock because...NEARSIGHT! I love that. Cast always, please.




bless, did you think that all by your self Apathy :wub:

Originally posted by Puppetmistress

But that happens as well. That's why I don't do CC when I am grouped with a sorc unless he looks very sleepy.

you dont do you.. hmm

where did i put that screen shot
Apathy did you take one? ;)



I was too busy sleeping to take screenshots. :wub:

My approach to CC is "Let Wildfire root them if he thinks he's sooooo leeeeet.". :D



Yes, but I think the less we admit to it, the better! :wub:


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