Yet another 50!



thanks to everyone i have ever expd with!
special thanks goes to Aryac for letting me join his 1 man tangler grp and getting me about 4 bubs all the way to lvl 50 (matter cabbys rule!!!). dont know any other class that can solo tanglers at lvl 47. right after i get my epic armor i'm off 2 rvr
(tips for rvr'ing tanks much appreciated)



f8+stick+style :) (or target any nonmezzed caster and go stick+style ;))

dont forget to bring a book if there is a battle across any MG :)


Grats :)

Stay close to Casters and Healers,
and dont break mezzes unless you can kill it alone and fast ;)
( 41body/35mind sorc can start solo tanglers at 46 :p )


Tips for rvr,

Never break a mez with anything but a stun and even then don't do it unless you'll be able to kill the enemy before stun wears off (either by yourself, or if you have people /assisst on you). Do not go around randomly slamming people in rvr either, some people will tell you to go around slamming everyone you can.. this is stupid as it gives them all a nice stun immunity without doing any real damage to them, only times to stun is as said when breaking a mez, or when they are attacking a caster/healer and you want to protect them.

Never ever break a mez if there are *any* unmezzed enemies about.

Don't use f8 too much, as it will more often than not end you up with a less than optimal target (ie a tank or a mezzed enemy who you should be temporarily ignoring). Click targets manually for the most part.

Either stay back and defend your casters/healers, or charge in and kill enemy casters/healers. DO NOT fight other tanks, if one is hitting you, ignore him and keep going for the caster/healer first (I make an exception here for if an assassin is hitting me, I will always stop and kill them first then).

I don't know your spec but if you use polearms or some other slow weapons... Have a fast 1 hand weapon ready at all times. whenever you have the time, use it to break casters bt before hitting them with your slow weapon (<--- this is next to impossible for me in a zerg, but in a smaller skirmish it's usually possible, and is very worthwhile to do). If you have any assassin friends stick a snare on this fast 1 hander regularly too, you'll never have problems killing a caster then ;)

When you are charging the enemy, SPREAD OUT, don't all charge bunched together, there's no point making it easier for an aoe to hit all of you.

Be aware of your enemies abilities, especially of the positional and reactional styles of your enemies spec lines. Some are particularily deadly (hibernia's LW back positional stun style, assassin's front positional PA style, midgard's axe users front position Havoc->Tyr's Fury chain.... ) but if you remember that they have them, they can be avoided usually saving you some pain.

Remember that defensive abilities (parry/block/evade) only work if the person is being attacked from infront, therefore, if helping a friend who is fighting someone, always take the time to get behind the enemy to maximise your chances of hitting.

If you're soloing.. do not use your stun styles until the enemy is at 40% or below (or whatever you think he needs to be at for you o be able to kill him before stun ends). With the commonplaceness of insta heals in rvr now, this is often the only way to beat someone with FA/IP without you having to use it too.

Rvr with your friends, it's much more fun then ;) doesn't matter if they're good or not (also if you all rvr together regularly, even if you're all totally crap, you'll still know each other well and be able to anticipate what others in your group will do and act accordingly -- you'll win many more battles if you just know what each member of your group is going to be doing)

Well that's all i can think of atm, might have more later :m00:



A Hib helping an Alb? Conspiracy! Nerf! ;)

Okok, all that Mal said is absolutely true, learn it all and you'll get succesful :)



you should change your name to Benevolencia :D
i'm 50shield/50slash/28parry/10pole
think i should go for charging casters then? since damage dealing is more for protecting casters i think


Grats again m8 :D

After helping get Gohrims last 0.9(i think it was) to 50 a few mins earlier, I thought what the heck, I'll help get you to 50 too ;)

Edit: I started soloing tangs at 36, but was to much work, so I started soloing them again once I was 38 :)


Re: Thanks!

Originally posted by Validus
you should change your name to Benevolencia :D
i'm 50shield/50slash/28parry/10pole
think i should go for charging casters then? since damage dealing is more for protecting casters i think

hmm well you're more defensive spec, so you might want to try staying back from the fight and protecting your casters, have guard on one of them, and just keep an eye on all of them, if any assassins jump then get behind the assassin and slam them. What ever you do do not try to slam the assassin from in front, as 99% of the time they will just evade it. Also, if archers/tanks are hitting the caster you have guard on, bear in mind that you must have that enemy in front of you to stand a chance of blocking their attacks on the caster. Also if you're defending casters, use a small shield, this gives you a far faster attack speed with slam, meaning if 2 or 3 people attack your casters you'll be able to stun each of them as quick as possible -- and you won't need the benefits of being able to block more than 1 attacker on yourself as everyone will be on casters not you.

As for charging casters, you can do that too, alb slash styles give some v nice damage so you'll be able to take a caster down fast, best to hit once with a fast slasher, then use slam, then kill the caster. You hit once to get rid of bt, then slam so they can't cast a stun/mez/root on you, then kill em to.. well.. kill em ;) As for getting in range of the caster in the first place, that's the tricky part :D Since a frontal assualt means you'll invariably be walking through aoe mez/stun/root/DDs your best bet is to go in a very very wide flanking manouver around the main battle so that you actually come at the casters from behind or at the very least the side.. this also has the benefit that when you reach them, they won't all immediately turn to nuke you, since most won't have seen you at all.


You can stand back and guard me in Emain, Validus <grins malevolently>

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