especially this part :
Q: I heard rumors about DAOC's servers and possible security problems. Is there any truth to this kind of rumor?
A: No.
But let me explain how I can be so definite. (Sorry if this is an overly simplified explanation – remember, I have to print my answers for both the technical and the non-technical people out there.) A game like ours has two kinds of code, client side (the part that happens on your computer at home) and server side (the code on… you guessed it… our servers).
Dark Age of Camelot servers have never been hacked. The tools that allow creation of monsters and other world items on live servers are internal development tools. (Here at Mythic HQ, access to these things means you work here in our office and are closely supervised.) These tools are mainly used for two purposes - on Pendragon during encounter testing, and on live servers by our customer service people who are replacing lost quest items and other such things. There has never been a misuse of these tools on any of our live servers.
Our password server has also not been hacked. Every case of "account hacking" has been people not keeping their passwords secure. If you share your password with others, if you email your password to strangers, and if you say, boot up a third party program and then type your password, your password is not secure. We feel bad for people who get taken advantage of, but we can't restore their accounts or their treasures. So never give out your password, and change it frequently.
There are, as many of you know, some client hacks out there. While they cannot create gold or monsters, or provide you with any actual gameplay skill, they can affect things that your client controls, such as your run speed.
We ban people using these every day. Because we do not want to ban innocent players, our investigation process is painstaking and a little slow. But we get the cheaters eventually. It's unfortunate, but a fact of life – you get a lot of people together, and the odds are good that a very few of them will be… special people… who can't compete without cheating. So, we get copies of all the cheat programs, learn how to find their users, and make frequent and daily use of the ban stick.
But I digress. The short answer is that DAOC servers have not been hacked.

especially this part :
Q: I heard rumors about DAOC's servers and possible security problems. Is there any truth to this kind of rumor?
A: No.
But let me explain how I can be so definite. (Sorry if this is an overly simplified explanation – remember, I have to print my answers for both the technical and the non-technical people out there.) A game like ours has two kinds of code, client side (the part that happens on your computer at home) and server side (the code on… you guessed it… our servers).
Dark Age of Camelot servers have never been hacked. The tools that allow creation of monsters and other world items on live servers are internal development tools. (Here at Mythic HQ, access to these things means you work here in our office and are closely supervised.) These tools are mainly used for two purposes - on Pendragon during encounter testing, and on live servers by our customer service people who are replacing lost quest items and other such things. There has never been a misuse of these tools on any of our live servers.
Our password server has also not been hacked. Every case of "account hacking" has been people not keeping their passwords secure. If you share your password with others, if you email your password to strangers, and if you say, boot up a third party program and then type your password, your password is not secure. We feel bad for people who get taken advantage of, but we can't restore their accounts or their treasures. So never give out your password, and change it frequently.
There are, as many of you know, some client hacks out there. While they cannot create gold or monsters, or provide you with any actual gameplay skill, they can affect things that your client controls, such as your run speed.
We ban people using these every day. Because we do not want to ban innocent players, our investigation process is painstaking and a little slow. But we get the cheaters eventually. It's unfortunate, but a fact of life – you get a lot of people together, and the odds are good that a very few of them will be… special people… who can't compete without cheating. So, we get copies of all the cheat programs, learn how to find their users, and make frequent and daily use of the ban stick.
But I digress. The short answer is that DAOC servers have not been hacked.