Ton of drops here - bid away
Golden Disk Brake Medium shield, util 54.7
3 smite; 3 rejuv; 16 piety; 7% thrust
Shiv of Shadows Main hand thruster, 16.2/3.0, util 47.7
3 thrust; 16 dex; 15 qui; 6% crush; lvl 49 spirit DD proc
Basher of Undetectable Wounds, Main hand crush, 16.2/4.0, util 47.7, ideal for all you crush mercs, or friars who want a spangly glowy hammer.
3 Dual wield; 16 strength; 40 hits; 6% slash; lvl 49 energy DD proc
Archangel's Protection Small shield, util 45.3
2 shield; 19 dex; 16 quick; 6% thrust; lvl 49 spirit DD proc
Gloves of Restored Soul Chain gloves AF 100, util 49.0 - 2 pairs
3 Soulrending; 15 dex; 15 qui; 7% slash
Wrath of the Dead Mittens Chain gloves AF 100, util 44.7
4 smite; 7 piety; 5 power; 5% matter; 3 self dmg shield charges
Death's Hunter Arms Studded arms, AF 100, util 50.0 Excellent for scouts who decided on the 'bit of both' spec.
4 slash; 4 thrust(sic.); 3% thrust; 2% slash
Cold's Touch staff Caster stick, util 45.0
50 cold focus; 4 cold; 6% cold; 6 power
Dark blue, no glow currently but in 1.63 (?)
Whirling leather leggings ROG, AF 98, util 48.3
4 Dual wield; 3 thrust; 13 dex; 7 con
Deathbinder quilted pants ROG, AF 51, util 45.7
3 painworking; 3 deathservant; 3% slash; 7 dex
Reserve price 100g except for the 2 ROG ones (whatever you want), ends July 9th at 8pm UK time.
Golden Disk Brake Medium shield, util 54.7
3 smite; 3 rejuv; 16 piety; 7% thrust
Shiv of Shadows Main hand thruster, 16.2/3.0, util 47.7
3 thrust; 16 dex; 15 qui; 6% crush; lvl 49 spirit DD proc
Basher of Undetectable Wounds, Main hand crush, 16.2/4.0, util 47.7, ideal for all you crush mercs, or friars who want a spangly glowy hammer.
3 Dual wield; 16 strength; 40 hits; 6% slash; lvl 49 energy DD proc
Archangel's Protection Small shield, util 45.3
2 shield; 19 dex; 16 quick; 6% thrust; lvl 49 spirit DD proc
Gloves of Restored Soul Chain gloves AF 100, util 49.0 - 2 pairs
3 Soulrending; 15 dex; 15 qui; 7% slash
Wrath of the Dead Mittens Chain gloves AF 100, util 44.7
4 smite; 7 piety; 5 power; 5% matter; 3 self dmg shield charges
Death's Hunter Arms Studded arms, AF 100, util 50.0 Excellent for scouts who decided on the 'bit of both' spec.
4 slash; 4 thrust(sic.); 3% thrust; 2% slash
Cold's Touch staff Caster stick, util 45.0
50 cold focus; 4 cold; 6% cold; 6 power
Dark blue, no glow currently but in 1.63 (?)
Whirling leather leggings ROG, AF 98, util 48.3
4 Dual wield; 3 thrust; 13 dex; 7 con
Deathbinder quilted pants ROG, AF 51, util 45.7
3 painworking; 3 deathservant; 3% slash; 7 dex
Reserve price 100g except for the 2 ROG ones (whatever you want), ends July 9th at 8pm UK time.