Darksword said:isnt it alot harder getting 2 50 without a guild? i.e. guilds give pve grps, pvp grps, spare items, advice, and in sum cases protection
Voodoo sucks.fortunefish said:voodoo
nice english only bd hating guild if u wanna have some fun if not PVEPVEPVEPVE then get into a l33t guild ( hehehe they suxor coz hav like 1 fg l33t and like 8 fg n00bors with necro powerlevle bots )
Ballad said:Hmm... strange. SM + chanter from Voodoo killed me thrice and tried to rez(kill) me after each time but I was smart enough to decline the 10% rezzes.
(Tsabo told me this has happened before too)
Ballad said:Hmm... strange. SM + chanter from Voodoo killed me thrice and tried to rez(kill) me after each time but I was smart enough to decline the 10% rezzes.
(Tsabo told me this has happened before too)
Nah, it wasn't you dude. (You organized the doomed ML1 raid though. )Sirch said:If there was a chanter involved, that would have been me, and I do remember killing you once (not 3 times) at white lights. I've never killed you with a rezzer around, and certainly wouldn't kill you without reward.
Every guild will die, sooner or later (except Fear ofc).Littlle Git said:ballad been saying voodoo will be gone soon for ages, and tbh its boring, we have lasted alot longer than core and other english guilds and dont seem to be dieing out. so ty for you support Ballad, but dont think we need your storeys about why Voodoo is dieing
I was talking about every guild on Camlann. Epic died, NP died, WaR LegendZ died, Requiem died, Rare died, Malice died and Horde is dying. Fear is the only immortal guild out there. Sorry.Tsabo said:Be a bit more diplomatic Ballad. Using my name there isn't exactly a nice thing to do, half tempted to log on my druid when ever i do kill u just so i can res kill ya now.
Voodoo is a stlong guild, everyone leveling fast and getting closer and closer to 50.
Everyone in voodoo are nice and respected among each other.
If you think voodoo is going to die anytime soon, you got another thing coming.
You'll be asking for a res when you get our debuff MA caster group filling up ur effects bar up the top
Ballad said:Doubt Voodoo will live long.