Head for Nisses Lair, go up past the Haunt and all the way down to Nisses room. Hug the ledge to the left as you enter the room and set up camp there. AE Disease to your heart's content, the mobs pop pretty quick so you can vary between the 4 at the left hand door (they BAF more who come from further away - they will aggro your buffbot so you'll be okay) and Nisse and his cronies (he's red to an 18, maybe best to kill him with yer buffbot).
Head to the Vendos Caves and pull bears if it isn't too camped - failing that, Askheim (WW fort) isn't used much nowadays and you can disease pull the entire camp at once. They should be red or orange to a 20, I think. There are willows behind Askheim near to the Skona Stones, although I can't remember what they con to an early 20 something. You'll be able to take those easy with slash damage.
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