XML Information about Unguilded players? Kemor?



I was wondering, I'm writing an import script so I can get all the information about all the players and all the guilds on all the servers...

Also want to keep track of history data (wanna see how far I can stress a SQL server ;) since its guild 5000 records per day, probably 25000 characters per day)...

But I also want historical data from players that are not guilded...

So my question is, how do I get info about unguilded players?

Or isnt that possible yet?


Hey there,

For now, you can't. The first part of our Chronicles was focused on the guilds. We wanted Guild leaders to be able to manage their guild better, to see their members, etc...
This part is now done and working (should update correctly every 24hours now).

In September (as announced in the latest news), we will focus on the most important question: "Who is the best?”.This part will include the un-guilded players, and you will be able to do all the stats you want :)


Information about unguilded players isn't even really available on the US version of the game, at least not complete lists ready-made in XML format. Some do show up in the Realm Point listings (example: http://www.camelotherald.com/realms/Bors/minstrel.php - the top minstrel is unguilded) but they are not in any XML file, so if you build a "complete" listing of all the players on a server by using those, unguilded players will not show up. As far as I know, sites like http://www.camelot-seer.com/ do not make any attempt to include unguilded players because there is no easy way to do it.

I guess ideally there would be a "dummy" guild in each realm with an XML file that listed all unguilded players, but if Mythic have never done that then I don't know what the chances are that GOA will... :(


I was kinda afraid of that :p

The list of guilds that we have through XML doesnt seem to be available in the US either though... So there was hope ;)
(And I was hoping that the XML part of the unguilded players was ready, I dont really need a frontend ;))

Oohwell, shouldnt be all that hard to add unguilded players to my database later on... I wonder when the database will 'give up'... Since its a huge amount of data that we're talking about... I also wonder how long an update would take on my side...

A dummy guild would be a nice solution though...


Well, you may have a point. GOA's chronicles are all flash-based and the flash they have made so far reads straight from XML files, which may mean that the RP listings and class listings - even if they only list the top 25 - may be in XML format too, whereas Mythic's are not. If that's what they do, you can always write scripts to parse those files and add any "Independent" players to your database. You won't get them all but you will get the highest RP scorers, which is better than nothing. ;)


Exactly, though there was a small miss calculation on my part :p

There are about 17000 characters per server (imported Excalibur and Broceliande)... Which means 9 servers, 153000 records of character data...

Wonder how long the server will hold up... I'll probably have to clean up the database (e.g. hold day data up to 2 weeks, then go to weekly data with a max of 1 year, this would mean 2142000 records for the first two weeks, and 7956000 records for the weekly data for a year)...

So if this would run for a year then at top moments there would be about 10m records in the database... Hmm, wonder if it'll work...

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