Pilosofus said:Hehe - sitting here in my chair, hidden behind my screen etc, laughing my fucking ass off !
Trying something fishy ? ye how did you know i had signed up to finding nemo 2?
And who the fuck is Xiooen?
They started their own guild [Autonomy] with a few others who got succored in, then moved to their private guild [Outlawz].Behmoth said:he is a known asscoiate of barker and an all round pain in the arse best way would just to ban the from all groups/raids/events sure they would soon dissapear
Pilosofus said:Yeh, that you got right !
Just bought Whirlwind on ebay, nice to have ml10 bb
Reno said:They started their own guild [Autonomy]
As to Mxn's post, can anyone confirm what happened with the Whirlwind ( druid) account as I saw that char in [Outlawz], so they might be shopping around for untainted accounts.
Frozodo said:saying that he did get me ml7 shields for discount tbh, 3 ml7 2 small 1 large for 8p in total
diferent personsPunishment said:P.S. Imo Barker+Xio = same gimp ... makes perfect sense to me
Raven said:if anyone is stupid enough to trust Barker NoBuffsNoHeals and that useless little mong he hangs around with then they cant really complain about getting hacked. was funny the other day in the arti rush they kept trying to get credit by joining the BG, got insta kicked by the leader (think he was spamming a /bg remove XXXX macro.
Guess they are finding it tough getting arti credit when nobody groups with them
Guess they are finding it tough getting arti credit when nobody groups with them
Raven said:Barker Nobuffs
Frozodo said:saying that he did get me ml7 shields for discount tbh, 3 ml7 2 small 1 large for 8p in total
Hestethun said:hope u can live with ur self for that, most likley stolen from a innocent person. Thats like supplieng terrorist with weapons