


planning on buying an xbox with crimbo money. what sort of prices am i looking at in high street shops for that splinter cell/halo combo i have been hearing about? also, do you *need* the memory card or does it use the hard drive for saving games as i see some games say "memory card" on the boxes but why the memory card when you got a 8gb hard drive in there? and lastly, what are the good games i should be getting to start off my collection?

that is all

merry christmas.


Without being a cunt...

ps2, vice city, getaway, tonyhawk 4



£200 for the Halo/Splinter cell combo and no, you don't need a memory card


The memory card is there for if you want to take your saved games / profiles round to a m8's place & play on their xbox...


from you can get a console from £160

but you can get good packages from Amazon, I paid £280 for an Xbox 2controllers, DVD add-on and 5 games, but that was back in July 02 when GAME were doing all those offers to Card Holders.


i went to comet or curry or something like that today and got splinter cell/halo combo. i also seen a combo that had 3 games and a DVD play back gizmo for the same price but i have a dvd player already.

so far i played sega GT 2002, JSRF and halo.

i didnt think much of JSRF, sega GT2002 is v.nice with vibrating joy pad thingy and halo = amazing.


edit: by the way, anyone have any idea of what i should buy next? what is good and what is shit etc..

Scooba Da Bass

Dead or Alive sexy sexy sexy (only if you have friends though). Tony Hawks 4, and that Bloodrayne game (it's great, really)


Originally posted by Scooba Da Bass
Dead or Alive sexy sexy sexy (only if you have friends though). Tony Hawks 4, and that Bloodrayne game (it's great, really)

bloodrayne does look nice but it says on the GAME site that its not out till April :(

Scooba Da Bass

I gathered PC Bloodrayne wasn't out till then, but the console versions are, maybe it's just out in the US.


Have to say I didn't go for BloodRayne that much...


Well, I've had my brother's XBox for a week now and can honestly say that it has put me off buying one.

I've played JSRF, Sega GT 2002, Colin McCrae 3, Blinx and Halo.

Halo is not too bad but as a FPS veteran I found it too easy and can't see why it is so special. IMHO MoHAA pisses on it from a great height. Halo would be even easier with the mouse/kb combo.

The other 4 games are decidely average. Sega GT is a shocka and Blinx is crap compared to Mario Sunshine.

Splinter Cell? My brother didn't like it and took it back - so he tells me.

Even he admits he only really got his XBox for the X-Mame side of things. If they get the emulation down to a tee then I may get one too - but remember: chipping your XBox fucks up your chances of going on Live.


I kind of like Sega GT 2002, dismissed it at first but became quite enjoyable when I changed the controller set up to the triggers handling acceleration and brake. Kind of reminded me of Sega Rally 2 on the DC.

Has anyone heard if Xbox will get a Sega Rally game ?

JSRF is boring beyond belief in my opinion, whereas Tony Hawks 4 is pure quality.


I found JSRF very confusing to begin with but now i am really into it..... so its just me that likes it then ??? Oh well
Halo is truely amazing ( you cant beat driving around in the warthog :) ) and Sega GT is a damn good game.


Originally posted by Ono

Halo is not too bad but as a FPS veteran I found it too easy and can't see why it is so special. IMHO MoHAA pisses on it from a great height. Halo would be even easier with the mouse/kb combo.

Exactly :)


i think if you play halo on the harder difficulty settings, you will see why people have been raving about it.


Halo is solid on legendary level. I'd say it's not as good as its supposed to be, but the storyline is top-notch.

I really like Sega GT, certainly as good as Gran Turismo. (Ono i'm guessin you played this game in the behind-car view. - shockingly bad. But on the bumper view the handling it sweet.)

JSRF bit strange

Splinter cell is a good game and worth buying.

Other games you might want to get:
-If you are a racing games fan Project Gotham, Rallisport challenge and MotoGP are a must.

-If you are thinking of using Xbox Live get Mechassault and Unreal Championship

-Phantom crash,Timesplitters 2, Buffy, Rocky and Tony hawks 4 are all good aswell.


Not my XBox so I sure as hell aren't going to buy games for it.:p

I played Sega GT on all views and it still sucks. Colin McCrae has much better handling.

I also don't see what all the fuss is about with Live. I've been playing online gaming for yonks (as all BW members should have surely?) and none of the games currently on Live have not been done before on PC.

As I mentioned above - the biggest thing potentially going for the XBox is the emulation possibilities (which the Dreamcast had). To be able to play 3000+ Arcade games on your TV would be great. ;)


Originally posted by Malfius@WP
I found JSRF very confusing to begin with but now i am really into it..... so its just me that likes it then ??

You are not alone, I think it's genius. Best thing Sega have done in ages.

Happy Go Lucky

I completed JSR on the DC it was difficult at first, control not as good as tony hawks, but it just gets better from then if you could be bothered, the graphics music story line are excellent. Tearing thru the streets you know well is ace :)


I had the opportunity to play on an Xbox over the Xmas period. My thoughts?

The controller was spawned from Satan's arse. 15 minutes of DOA3 gave me cramp, and you only have to go back to the PS2 controller for about 5 seconds to realise just how bad it is.

Halo was fun for a while but became depressingly average and samey. The level design was on a similar level to Doom (without the good bits), the weapons made Unreal's look good, and controlling the vehicles on such a shit joypad was deeply irritating. If it had been released on PC it would have sunk without a trace.

DOA3 was so shit it was painful. A friend managed to kick everyone's ass by repeatedly mashing the punch button, the characters felt about as fluid as a Guiness shit, and any beat em up that doesnt use away to block a la Street Fighter and Tekken is inherently homosexual. And the backgrounds looked about as good as Tekken Tag. So much for the power of Xbox then.

MK:Deadly Alliance was OK, but that was mainly cos it had Sub Zero in it. The resy was eminantly forgettable.

I'm fairly sure that the creators of Gran Turismo would be seriously offended if you compared Sega GT to their masterpiece. It looked and played like ass.

Says something about the current Xbox games when the most fun was had playing Speedball 2 on an emulator.

So I think I can fairly safely say, Xbox is shit. I'm glad it will be dead soon.


Well, I didn't pay any money for the Xbox I tried, so I must have at least half a braincell.


Originally posted by bodhi
Well, I didn't pay any money for the Xbox I tried, so I must have at least half a braincell.

that'd be about all, tbh


Much as i dislike MS gettin my xbox and playin Halo st0n30red1!!!! for the first time was the best videogame experience ever. Can only imagine how good the co-op is gonna be. Anyone know how much a crontroller-s is gonna set me back at GAME?


about £25 for the s-controller.

i got one a few weeks back and was quite impressed, much better than the standard one.

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