Xbox 360 crashing/hanging


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
For the love of god. My ipod, my laptop and now my xbox 360 has decided to die.

So I thought I'd ask here before I called MS and have it sorted.

Since the weekend my 360 has decided to randomly crash during all games. This usually happens within 4 - 5 minutes of booting the game up. It will lock up completely along with the control pad. The lights all stay green, including the one on the PSU block. It is well ventilated and is sitting horizontally. I doubt it's a heating issue due to the speed at which it starts crashing.

The only thing I have done recently is download the Crackdown demo. The crashing also started with this game. I'm sure it's just coincidence though.

If anyone can shed some light on this I'd be very appreciative.

p.s. it has also happened once during bootup. The 360 froze just before loading the dashboard.



Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
this happened to my mates 360 too. Alas you need to send it back to MS to fix, its a fault that happens with some of them. Will take 2-4 weeks to come back


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
What Sparx said. For my friend it only happened when he was playing online.


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003

There is some hearsay that I should try clearing the 360's disk cache. Now most gaming sites are blocked at work so can anyone let me know how to do this?. I did read the instructions a while back for oblivion loading problems but I have since forgotten them. Ageing memory and all that.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
To perform the function, access 'memory' in the system blade, and then highlight the hard drive. Now press: Y, X, X, LB, RB, X, X. The following message should appear: "Do you want to perform maintenance on your Xbox 360 storage devices?"

P.S. I haven't tried it although I did reset Oblivions game cache by holding down A whilst the game started, that worked.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
leggy said:
For the love of god. My ipod, my laptop and now my xbox 360 has decided to die.

So I thought I'd ask here before I called MS and have it sorted.

Since the weekend my 360 has decided to randomly crash during all games. This usually happens within 4 - 5 minutes of booting the game up. It will lock up completely along with the control pad. The lights all stay green, including the one on the PSU block. It is well ventilated and is sitting horizontally. I doubt it's a heating issue due to the speed at which it starts crashing.

The only thing I have done recently is download the Crackdown demo. The crashing also started with this game. I'm sure it's just coincidence though.

If anyone can shed some light on this I'd be very appreciative.

p.s. it has also happened once during bootup. The 360 froze just before loading the dashboard.


Take it back to whereever you bought it from and get a brand new console! thats what i did twice! and the 2nd time i got a free game!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Aada said:
Take it back to whereever you bought it from and get a brand new console! thats what i did twice! and the 2nd time i got a free game!

I've done the same trick twice aswell.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
This started happening to me a few months ago, then, around a month ago, the computer just completely died. It would start, but then crash about 10 seconds in, no exceptions. This was only just after the 1-year warranty ran out aswell, which was annoying. Rang the 360 tech support and they were less helpful than HIV. Finally got it sent off though but it hasn't come back yet.

Dunno, point of this post is that I suppose if your 360 is still under guarantee you should get it sent off before the warranty runs out and your 360 melts and, like me, you have to take it in the arse from Microsoft and pay to have their shite product fixed.

It's almost as if these machines were built with the warranty in mind, so when they were rushing them all out to meet demand, they used cheap hardware which would almost certainly last longer than 1 year, but not much longer.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Also, the UPS delivery guy who picked the thing up said something along the lines of "I've been picking up hundreds of these things." He knew it was an Xbox straight away, even though the arses on the phone said something about wrapping it in "plain paper," which I did. I'm not really sure why this is, possibly because they don't want people seeing the huge amount of 360's which are having to be sent back for repair? I don't know.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Judging by the replies in this thread my advice is simple.

Don't buy a shit console.


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
I have a sony ericsson w950i that keeps crashing. Should I stop buying shit phones too?


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
leggy said:
I have a sony ericsson w950i that keeps crashing. Should I stop buying shit phones too?

My W950i is fine. I suspect user error. Try using the pointy stick rather than mashing the screen with your fingers.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Actually hardware failure rate for Xbox 360s is just the same as it was for the Sony PS2 with it's CD drive problem. It's simply they people whinge more about the Xboxes.

Oddly myself and my 4 mates who have had them since release have never had a moments problem.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Bodhi said:
Judging by the replies in this thread my advice is simple.

Don't buy a shit console.

Okay, let's not buy any of them then. I have seen all the consoles come back because of faults over the years. There are no more 360's coming back for faults as there have been ps2's and wii's.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
well my bog standard 360 has facuked up some how, switch it on and there are white lines all over the screen, screathin sound from the speakers and it freezes art the logo start up thing.

anyone know if ms require proof of purcase when you want it replaced?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Yaka said:
well my bog standard 360 has facuked up some how, switch it on and there are white lines all over the screen, screathin sound from the speakers and it freezes art the logo start up thing.

anyone know if ms require proof of purcase when you want it replaced?

They do not. Just the serial on sticker.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Kami said:
Actually hardware failure rate for Xbox 360s is just the same as it was for the Sony PS2 with it's CD drive problem. It's simply they people whinge more about the Xboxes.

Oddly myself and my 4 mates who have had them since release have never had a moments problem.

You're talking shit. I never knew anyone who went through 3-5 PS2's. I know people who are on their 3rd, 4th or 5th 360. It's the shittiest build quality the console world has ever seen.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
ST^ said:
You're talking shit. I never knew anyone who went through 3-5 PS2's. I know people who are on their 3rd, 4th or 5th 360. It's the shittiest build quality the console world has ever seen.

I do actually. Especially because of the CD drive.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
the first builds of ps2 had probs with the dvd drive if it was stood up ranging from discs getting trapped to drives just dying. optical disc drive are known to b e prone to failure when used side ways. unless it has spindle/click tray


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
ST^ said:
It's the shittiest build quality the console world has ever seen.

what does that mean? i know, jack fucking shit.

you are clearly a sony fanboy like people here are an xbox fanboy. that doesnt change facts.


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
ST is clearly a trolling fanboy.

Bodhi is at least humerous with it (if only marginally).


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Well that was a well informed post ST. Care to back it up with some proof?



Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
Ch3tan said:
Well that was a well informed post ST. Care to back it up with some proof?


Judging the post purely by the avatar, I thought it was Damini and was truly shocked at the use of the word 'prick'.

Then I saw it was you ch3ts and it was all ok :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
What are you actually denying? That 360's are breaking all over the place, or that PS2's opticcal drive problem was less severe?

Anyway, I'll offer you the one example I found in the 15 seconds I spent looking:

Not only the actual story, but the comments.

"i finally gave up trying after my 3rd."

"I've had five... and i've got the documentation to prove it, my best friend had three... they send you back other refurbs."

"Honestly, I'm not that suprised. I've had 2 broken xbox 360's so far."

"Same. 2. One is still in the process of being repaired/replaced. Let's hope the 3rd one's the charm..."

"So of five units purchased in our little group, and four replacement units total shipped back and forth, 2 of the original five worked and all of the replacements worked (excepting the country code issue.)"

"I had 5 or more faulty xbox 360s. They even tried a new power supply. Eventually we got pissed and an above xbox Microsoft employee sent me a brand new xbox. It works like a charm."

"Yeah that really sucks. I had 3 bad machines. Each one of them had a different problem. #1 would freeze. #2 wouldn't power up until you turned it off and on 3 times and half the time would give 1 red light. #3 was dead on arrival w/ 3 red lights. #4 has worked without any problems... So far."

"Yea.. I got 4 consoles, 1st one dvd drive woudnt read anything.. didint even see that there was a disk, I get my 2nd one diidnt even boot up, went raight to an error code (069 and 074), this time I go to the store since they had some in stock, this time I got artifacts galore, I started a game and it went NUTS!, back to M$ again.. this time it seems to be working okay.."

"My first two xbox360 have died. This is my 3rd xbox."

"MAN I can't believe this is big news! I've been through FIVE yes that's right FIVE! One of which even melted! One which cracked my discs and others were just messed up. I was about ready to throw it our the window. I have basically been xbox 360less since I purchased mine because they have been in the shipping the whole time getting "repaired" by Microsoft. My 5th one I'm on now has worked for a whole week *hurray* unlike the others that just lasted about 2 days or less."

"I'm waiting for my third xbox 360 to comeback to me."

"i kno someone who is on their 4th "

"my friend is on his 3rd one"

Nope, no problem at all :)


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I wasn't denying anything, I was saying you were a prick for thinking that none of us knew anyone that went through 3 or 4 ps2's.

I work in retail, I have seen just as many s2's come back as 360's. The slimline ps2's have very few returns, but the old chunky one had many a problem. Thats what tends to happen with new hardware.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
"Just as many" PS2's returned? Surely if the problem was as bad as the 360's, you'd see MANY more PS2's returned than 360's (considering how well the PS2 sold compared to.. well, everything)? I'll wait for you to "correct" yourself by saying you saw way more PS2's now....

Besides, PS2 had the optical drive problem - 360 has overheating problems, shitty cheap dvd drive not working and even ruining discs, PSU failures, hard drive failures, consoles bricked from firmware updates, everything.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
ST^ said:
What are you actually denying? That 360's are breaking all over the place, or that PS2's opticcal drive problem was less severe?

Anyway, I'll offer you the one example I found in the 15 seconds I spent looking:

Not only the actual story, but the comments.

OK. Sorry about this. I'm not interested in the thread. My 360 is shiny and new and working absolutely fine thanks.

But I do have to draw attention to your hunting for evidence from Digg. Are you fucking serious? That's not evidence of anything. Teenage and lonely (sometimes both at once) desperately trying to whine harder and better than the preceding comment is your evidence?

You might as well have registered six dozen new accounts on Freddyshouse and have them all reply to this thread in support; it would be more representative.

Perhaps you'd like to refute my comment with evidence gathered entirely from YouTube?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I did say it was the first thing I found in a very short time of looking. Don't be such a twat :|

Plus, Digg is the home of yankee xbox fanboys who hate everything Sony and Sony related. Diggers LOVE their 360's. It's evidence enough. The fact that I know people who have gone through multiple 360's is evidence enough. What the fuck do you want me to do, put Bill Gates at gunpoint and force him to admit the actual 360 failure rate?

There's plenty of this on the 360 hardware forum anyway.


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