Xbox 360 applications


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Hey everyone,

So its been nearly 3 years since the xbox 360 was released and I've only just recently bought one. After a quick google, I found it hard to find any apps for the xbox 360, for example something that would allow you to play divx videos etc.

Does anyone have any applications for the xbox 360 that they use? Is there anything useful/fun that could be put on it? Obviously I don't want anything that will mess around with the OS or prevent me from playing on XboxLive, but I'm sure there must be something fun and friendly out there.

Any suggestions?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Short answer no - long answer yes with a but. Wait for Yaka to see the thread :p


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2004
The 360 does play divx already. If you want to stream it from your pc you can use a program called transcode360.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
it plays most divx and xvids fine off a dvd-r or streammed thru eother tv versity or transcode360. i prefer tv versity as it werks with everything i have, xboxs,x360, ps3 and wii

if your on about homebrew/tux then its possible but you need to get the cpu key which in turn means gutting your 360 performing a complicated timing attack to get the cpu key. and thats just the first step.

XBMC wont be on this any time soon the devs have pretty much said they are 100% focusing on the tux port

atm out of the 3 consoles the wii is the one that will prolly come out on top[ homebrew wise we may actually end up seeing a proper modchip for it. perhaps in a couple of years the ps3 might but the 360 prolly wont untill ms gets bored and is preping the next xbox

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