Xarr's Mordred Report w/pics



here's a lil report with some pictures from the little time i have spent on the us pvp server, mordred.

i rolled out as a kobold mystic and chose the path as a runemaster when i hit level 5. i wanted to make a suppression runie just to try one of them suckers out (always wanted pulsing bubbles all for myself! ^^). don't get me wrong here, there's nothing wrong with spiritmasters on mordred. in fact, pet classes kick much ass indeed. this is because if you're in a huge crowd in let's say, fort atla, and a pet suddenly starts banging your ass there's no way telling who is the owner (not only that but he could be hiding on top of a roof or something like that).

i quickly found out that running around without a guild tag wasn't a particulary good idea especially since i turned my safety flag off at level 5 (hardcore pvp to the bone baby ~_^). so i ended up joining the coolest guild ever in ANY mmorpg game out there, the the shadowclan. these suckers are in character all the time talking kobold language and such. i've never had so much fun my whole gaming career.

we run around midgard demanding 'tribuut' from all the 'pinkis' we meet that aren't affiliated with an enemy guild. those guys we kill on sight.

we have recently 'claimed' fort veldon as our fort and it's now our base of operations. any non-kobos are killed or threatened unless they leave the area. it's great fun ^^

anyhoo, here are the pics i promised:

http://home.online.no/~mrmats/mordred/shadowclan01.jpg - fort atla any normal day. that is, packed with peeps ^^
http://home.online.no/~mrmats/mordred/shadowclan02.jpg - another pic of fort atla
http://home.online.no/~mrmats/mordred/shadowclan03.jpg - a couple of the boys from shadowclan lining up for a team shot.
http://home.online.no/~mrmats/mordred/shadowclan04.jpg - annother one with the clan. after this was done we ran around in skona ravine demanding 'tribuut' and causing havoc in general
http://home.online.no/~mrmats/mordred/shadowclan05.jpg - gathering at fort veldon
http://home.online.no/~mrmats/mordred/shadowclan06.jpg - more fort veldon, this time the 'mojos' are ready for any attackers
http://home.online.no/~mrmats/mordred/shadowclan07.jpg - the clan growing in numbers at our new 'home'
http://home.online.no/~mrmats/mordred/shadowclan08.jpg - it's a beautiful night alright! after a while when we were really many we sent a scouting party into the vendo caves and caused some more havoc there, it was really fun too! couldn't get any pics because i was too busy dying and not dying, hehe ;p


Originally posted by old.Xarr

we run around midgard demanding 'tribuut' from all the 'pinkis' we meet that aren't affiliated with an enemy guild. those guys we kill on sight.

we have recently 'claimed' fort veldon as our fort and it's now our base of operations. any non-kobos are killed or threatened unless they leave the area. it's great fun ^^

hahaha...man, that sounds absolutely great..wish there was more guilds like that!


What do I have to do to try out Mordred? just buy the american copy or is it a invite only server still?


Mordred is in open beta now on US but im fairly sure its always filled up (think excal in beta sometimes, like having to login 3 or 4 times because the server is full)


mordred is in open beta right now yes, so the only thing you need is an active us account. in another week or so it will go live and the character database will stay as-is unless there is proof of some major unknown exploit. as it looks right now i think they're gonna stay with the database as it is now.

and it's always cram-packed with peeps so theres not a boring second ever ^^


"tribuut" from the "pinkis"
The group chats look pretty damn funny too :)
You seem have some common terms for things, looks very very funny I must confess. For once I have been given a goo dimage of the server :)


Cool Xarr :) Hmm still asking myself why I didn't buy the US version instead of the European one :( (I think mainly because I thought it would give me some lag and I would be playing at times when they all went to bed...)


Lag wouldn't be any different to be honest with you... lately you would experience less lag I'd say.
The time difference does not matter on the most populated servers, they have plentty (hundreds and hundreds) playing at EU peak times... so I have been told and the www.camelotherald.com server stats back up these claims.

The only thing that might not be so nice is if you play a class which is nerfed to the max in a patch we do not have then it would not be nice :)
Glad my scout still gets to enjoy the game here at home, in EU.

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