Xanoo Cheating?



Well since the Mids were in such fury over Gilgalad using an exploit I thought I would return the favour.

I have a screenshot of Xanoo standing on the tower roof of a milegate in Emain. From here he was shooting at us and the only reason he didn't kill me as I ran towards the tower door was he missed once, hit me once and then I was safe in the tower. I could quite clearly hear him drawing and shooting at my friends on the ground below. One of them was kind enough to take a screenshot.

While I work out how to get this damn pic where everyone can see it, any of the eyes and ears are free to PM me with their email address and I will send it to them.

I hope to see this exploiter get the same treatment as Gilgalad.

I have also reported this via Get Right.

Let the flaming commence :)


I personally don't understand why ppl want to cheat in DAoC - ain't the fun in the challenge; the risk of getting killed at any moment (except when xping - xp killing really sucks butt) ? :)


Originally posted by njull
I personally don't understand why ppl want to cheat in DAoC - ain't the fun in the challenge; the risk of getting killed at any moment (except when xping - xp killing really sucks butt) ? :)

The people who cheat are probably also the people who complain they are bored after 3 months play....



Lets get him thrown out of his guild, we want an apology and then we can throw it back in his face like all those lovely messages from the Mids for Gilgalad.

Don't worry about the Pics, we don't need them with certain Mids. They're quite happy to condem people without proof.


Ehm i'm missing a point here maybe... What is the thing he did wrong now? Or ain't it possible to be on the roof as a wall climber? (I dunno where someone can climb so that's why I ask..)


assassins are the only classes that can climb and only at certain points on keeps.

It could be possible to get on the roofs of building when you have a run buff/bard-skald speed as I can run through a wall in mag mell when I've got bard speed and sometimes end up on top of the little hut there :rolleyes:


Guys.... this is something I was checking out just a couple of days ago having seen the same thing myself.

Yes, there is a bug which allows players to reach roofs to snipe from, and there have been cases of this happening most notably at Milegates....


it IS apparently possible to reach the roof of the gatehouses at certain keeps by simply jumping up there (takes some practice, but can be done) which was probably not intended by Mythic but
is just a quirk of the design of the wall layout around the perimeter.

So... it is good that it's been reported, just in case the bug I referred to has been used, but you can probably expect that investigations will simply show Xanoo jumped up there and he has not cheated at all.

Personally, I'm looking forward to owning Dun Crauchon again soon to learn how to do this for myself :)




So from that, we can say that Gilgalad didn't cheat at all because he was in a raid, lagged through the wall and then shot people.

Jupitus, it was you that reported Gilgalad for being in the Walls and didn't look so kindly on it in your thread. In fact you said :

Gilgalad on Prydwen... deliberately falling into a wall and shooting from within is expoiting a bug.

It is also very cowardly.

It earns you nothing more than a bad reputation and realm points which everyone will know you do not deserve.

Stop it.

This guy deliberately jumped on the top of the MG and shot people. Call this guy a coward instead of sticking up for him.

So... it is good that it's been reported, just in case the bug I referred to has been used, but you can probably expect that investigations will simply show Xanoo jumped up there and he has not cheated at all.

If he used a bug, he cheated...you said it yourself.


Originally posted by Jupitus

it IS apparently possible to reach the roof of the gatehouses at certain keeps by simply jumping up there (takes some practice, but can be done) which was probably not intended by Mythic but is just a quirk of the design of the wall layout around the perimeter.

This may be so, but Xanoo was not at a keep, he was at a milegate, i.e. wall.


DOH!!! Read the bloody thread Jup you dum bum!!!

Sorry guys... ok... now I have not heard of a milegate you can jump onto, so perhaps there is some wrong-doing going on... lets see what happens.


Oh... and my email addy is on the PL roster.


(bah I need a good siggy really)


Cerebus.... sorry I hadn't read your post too (I need to wake up today)... as you see I missed the point that he actually WAS on a milegate roof, which probably does indicate cheating, and if so he should be banned, I agree.


It is not possible to reach the roof of a Milegate without exploiting a bug.
If Xanoo has done this, he was exploiting a bug, and should be banned.
I have actually grouped with him in the past, and I can say he didn't seem that bad, but guess you can never tell.
RightNowInAnotherSpaceTimeContinuum will do what they will do.


hehe.....honest mistake :)

Shouldn't we try to lead by example and ask for something a little less harsh?

I'm sure we wouldn't want a ban if it was his first time and he didn't realise he was exploiting a bug, being on the roof due to lag or something.

I'd like to hear what his explanation is, it would be polite at least.


Bored bored bored BORED BORED of threads whining about so-an-so cheating, this Alb cheating, that Hib bug-abusing, blah blah, it's starting to look like the counterstrike forums in here.

If you take the game seriously enough to a) cheat or b) get wound up about people you think are cheating then you need to get out more, really.


Originally posted by granny
If you take the game seriously enough to a) cheat or b) get wound up about people you think are cheating then you need to get out more, really.

Well for me its more a question of the aggravation this causes which over time will put people off playing and sours people's experience of DAOC. If we don't do anything about people who abuse bugs to their own advantage then it will simply become more and more widespread causing honest players to quit. I don't think not wanting this to happen constitutes 'taking things too seriously', its just common sense IMHO.


People should just report suspected cheats to guild leaders/rightnow instead of posting them on public forums.


One possible advantage of exposing cheaters here (as long as the cheat is not described, i.e. how to do it), is that they are put on a lot of people's idiot lists. This might deter other potential cheaters.


Originally posted by Vell
It is not possible to reach the roof of a Milegate without exploiting a bug.
If Xanoo has done this, he was exploiting a bug, and should be banned.
I have actually grouped with him in the past, and I can say he didn't seem that bad, but guess you can never tell.
RightNowInAnotherSpaceTimeContinuum will do what they will do.

Vell - I'd like to know how you grouped with Xanoo when he plays Midgard on PRYDWEN and you play Midgard on Excalibur? :)


Well I recognise the name Xanoo, so he must've killed me at some point, so yeah, ban him............in fact

BAN EVERYONE will be no cheating then (or you could just ban the mids and there would also be no cheating :p)


Originally posted by Xtro

Vell - I'd like to know how you grouped with Xanoo when he plays Midgard on PRYDWEN and you play Midgard on Excalibur? :)

Perhaps he likes Midgard so much, he plays Mid on both servers?


Originally posted by Meatballs
People should just report suspected cheats to guild leaders/rightnow instead of posting them on public forums.

And how do we find out who the guild leaders are in an enemy realm? And even supposing we have that info how do we tell them?


It is plain cowardly and stupid to go on top of the milegates inorder to snipe just about anyone who passes by. I mean a tank can't even hit you up there, can a mage even do so from the very bottom since he most likely won't be able to get very close before he takes a dirtnap.
Xanoo, this is just childish... stop it or face the consequences imho. Although doing it once is enough... almost... with maybe just a warning at first.


Xtro u muppet

you assume too much.

Vell was with me in Purple Warriors when we started on Midgard/Prydwen on release day and got to level 30 with her Healer.

Subsequently left Midgard to play with rl friends on Hib/Excal and we did indeed team with Xanoo on many an occasion thru lower levels.

And yes Xanoo is a nice little fella,, never says a bad thing or acts like and idiot.

careful of jumping at peeps throats Xtro you old bean :)


Calling him a muppet was perhaps a little harsh, but yes, I did used to play on Midgard Prydwen.
Then some RL friends started playing hibernia prydwen, so I (after a long time thinking about it) decided to delete my characters on midgard and join them.
So now I play mid exc.
I got bored of hibernia, so I deleted those people (again) and started some on albion.

So now I'm albion prydwen and midgard excaliber.

I could list every character I've ever had in my sig, but it would go on forever......


Its OK Vell

I can call Xtro a muppet and more...

he was our Asst GM in bloodLust and Head Hunters before he pissed off to play Mordred Beta.


DAMNIT I'm exposed..ok I admit it ...

On Mordred I am Lord Chief Muppet of Muppet Militia :(

/wave to Solid and Vell

I wasn't going for Vell's throat, I was just wondering if poor ickle Xanoo had a clone ;)

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