[WTT/WTS] Thane Epic armor, 100 gold, mp sword, rings and bracelets, shield, and more



Thane Epic armor, 100 gold, mp sword, rings and bracelets, shield and everything else my shaman is wearing.
Doing this because I'm about to empty this acc and making a buffbot for my alb/exc char.

Baiscly you get everything thats on the account.
Everything my Thane is wearing
99% qua arcanium dwarven short sword
16.5 dps, spd 3.0
not spellcrafted
90% qua Golden Alloy Bastard Sword
Sword 4 pts
Parry 4pts
Charisma 10 pts
Constitution 10 pts
lvl 50 dd heat 95 dmg

Youll get whole Epic armor, rings, bracelets, jewel, necklase, cloak and the belt.

And 111 gold + 12 daemon saphire seals.

Got burning effect on sword

Everything my Shaman is wearing

And lots of lvl 50 accesoraries thats in vault.

I want to;
Selling it, or I'd prefer trading it for stuff on camlan, alb/exc or mid/pryd. Maybe even trade it all for plevel on alb/exc, camlan or mid/pryd.

I'll give first.
You need to be a well known and respected player in a well known guild :> (That is no barryworld dummy account made last week)

I'll be editing this later on and add more information when I can. That is what kind of swords there are, shamans armor etc etc


I don't need much for this, if nobody offers anything its all thrown away.

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