[WTT]TG Zerk torso&more



WTT Tg Zerk(Tuscarian Clan Vest) Torso with the Sb (Ice shadow Jerkin) one
Axe 4,Hits 48, Heat 8%, Cold 8%
Proc heal Value 180
100% qual 102 af 35% bonus 19%absorb

Also Selling
-Tuscarian Clan leggings(zerk tg legs) -500 G ,Bid is 100 G
15 cons,3 hammer,matter 8% , energy 9%.
100% qual 102 af 35% bonus 19%absorb

-Hurika's Shadowed Eye (Gem)
64 hits, 18 const , 14 power - 1 p Bid is 300 g

Auction ends wednesday 15 - 20:00 Cet

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