wtt plats from albZ to midZ


Loyal Freddie
Aug 14, 2006
I can help you out, contact either of my BB's Cienocht or Ghesrae. My timezone is gmt +1, on at most hours..

(I know it's alb to mid, I just don't play on either at the moment. :) )

"edit" if you happen to have a decent bm pierce temp lying around I'd love to have a peek


Part of the furniture
Mar 28, 2009
How many can you do?

and this is the bm template i ran from rr1 to 7L3 solo, might be better out there now.

Config Report
  STR:  100  / 101  (+26)    INT:  0  / 75      Hits:  392  / 400  (+225)    AF:  35/50 
  CON:  79  / 86  (+11)    PIE:  0  / 75      End:  14  / 25 
  DEX:  99  / 98  (+23)    EMP:  0  / 75      Pow:  0  / 26 
  QUI:  73  / 75      CHA:  0  / 75      %PP:  0%  / 25% 
  Body:  26  / 26      Energy:  21  / 26      Crush:  26  / 26  (+2)
  Cold:  25  / 26      Matter:  25  / 26      Slash:  26  / 26  (+3)
  Heat:  25  / 26      Spirit:  23  / 26  (+5)    Thrust:  26  / 26 
  Essence:  0  / 26 
  6  / 11  All Dual Wield Skills
  11  / 11  All Melee Weapon Skills
  11  / 11  Blades
  11  / 11  Blunt
  11  / 11  Celtic Dual
  11  / 11  Parry
  11  / 11  Piercing
Other Bonuses
  6  / 10  Archery and Casting Speed
  2  / 10  Archery and Spell Range
  11  / 10  Melee Combat Speed
  10  / 10  Melee Damage
  10  / 10  Style Damage
   5  /  25  Healing Bonus
Piece Listing
Name: Astral Vest of Purification
Level: 51 Quality: 99
  Slot 1:  3  All Melee Weapon Skills
  Slot 2:  21  Constitution
  Slot 3:  8  Strength Cap Increase
  Slot 4:  8  Dexterity Cap Increase
  Slot 5:  8  Constitution Cap Increase
  Slot 6:  4  Melee Damage
  Slot 7:  4  Melee Combat Speed
  Slot 8:  4  Casting Speed
Utility: 29.0
Name: Everlasting Twilight Sleeves
Level: 51 Quality: 99
  Slot 1:  21  Quickness
  Slot 2:  60  Hits
  Slot 3:  8  Crush Resist
  Slot 4:  8  Thrust Resist
  Slot 5:  8  Slash Resist
  Slot 6:  25  Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 77.0
Name: Crafted Item36
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Overcharge: 5,5
  Gem 1:  5  Celtic Dual Skill - Imperfect Icy War Spell Stone
  Gem 2:  4  Parry Skill - Flawed Vapor Battle Jewel
  Gem 3:  22  Dexterity - Precious Vapor Essence Jewel
  Gem 4:  7  Strength - Rough Fiery Essence Jewel
  Slot 5:  15  Quickness - (Crafted Item Bonus)
Utility: 74.3 SC Cost: 25g 68s 20c SC Price: 25g 68s 20c
Name: Astral Leggings of the Leech
Level: 51 Quality: 99
  Slot 1:  15  Strength
  Slot 2:  15  Dexterity
  Slot 3:  15  Constitution
  Slot 4:  40  Hits
  Slot 5:  10  Dexterity Cap Increase
  Slot 6:  40  Hits Cap Increase
  Slot 7:  2  Casting Speed
  Slot 8:  2  Melee Damage
  Slot 9:  2  Style Damage
  Slot 10:  2  Spell Range
Utility: 40.0
Name: Crafted Item37
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 Overcharge: 5
  Gem 1:  25  Dexterity - Flawless Vapor Essence Jewel
  Gem 2:  9  Body Resist - Polished Dusty Shielding Jewel
  Gem 3:  7  Cold Resist - Imperfect Icy Shielding Jewel
  Gem 4:  7  Heat Resist - Imperfect Heated Shielding Jewel
  Slot 5:  5 Healing bonus - (Crafted Item Bonus)
Utility: 62.7 SC Cost: 42g 82s 0c SC Price: 42g 82s 0c
Name: Crafted Item38
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Overcharge: 5,5
  Gem 1:  13  Dexterity - Imperfect Vapor Essence Jewel
  Gem 2:  9  Energy Resist - Polished Light Shielding Jewel
  Gem 3:  76  Hits - Perfect Blood Essence Jewel
  Gem 4:  7  Matter Resist - Imperfect Earthen Shielding Jewel
  Slot 5:  3  All Dual Wield Skills - (Crafted Item Bonus)
Utility: 74.7 SC Cost: 46g 65s 80c SC Price: 46g 65s 80c
Left Hand
Name: Astral Mephitic Fang
Level: 51 Quality: 99
  Slot 1:  10  Fatigue
  Slot 2:  3  All Dual Wield Skills
  Slot 3:  4  Melee Damage
  Slot 4:  4  Style Damage
  Slot 5:  15  AF
  Slot 6:  5  Strength Cap Increase
  Slot 7:  5  Dexterity Cap Increase
Utility: 15.0
Name: Potent Deathwatcher Chain
Level: 51 Quality: 99
  Slot 1:  21  Strength
  Slot 2:  21  Constitution
  Slot 3:  5  Body Resist
  Slot 4:  5  Spirit Resist
  Slot 5:  6  Crush Resist
  Slot 6:  6  Thrust Resist
  Slot 7:  6  Slash Resist
  Slot 8:  3  Strength Cap Increase
  Slot 9:  3  Constitution Cap Increase
Utility: 84.0
Name: Shades of Mist
Level: 51 Quality: 99
  Slot 1:  3  Stealth Skill
  Slot 2:  15  Strength
  Slot 3:  15  Quickness
  Slot 4:  5  Melee Combat Speed
  Slot 5:  10  AF
  Slot 6:  4  Fatigue
  Slot 7:  3  Parry Skill
Utility: 50.0
Name: Eerie Darkness Lightning Stone
Level: 51 Quality: 99
  Slot 1:  4  Slash Resist
  Slot 2:  4  Crush Resist
  Slot 3:  4  Thrust Resist
  Slot 4:  5  Heat Resist
  Slot 5:  5  Cold Resist
  Slot 6:  5  Energy Resist
  Slot 7:  5  Matter Resist
  Slot 8:  5  Body Resist
  Slot 9:  5  Spirit Resist
Utility: 84.0
Name: Soulbinder's Belt
Level: 51 Quality: 99
  Slot 1:  7  Body Resist
  Slot 2:  7  Heat Resist
  Slot 3:  7  Matter Resist
  Slot 4:  7  Energy Resist
  Slot 5:  7  Spirit Resist
  Slot 6:  7  Cold Resist
  Slot 7:  35  Hits
  Slot 8:  40  Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 92.8
Left Ring
Name: Ring of Tarka'oz
Level: 51 Quality: 99
  Slot 1:  21  Strength
  Slot 2:  4  All Melee Weapon Skills
  Slot 3:  4  Crush Resist
  Slot 4:  4  Thrust Resist
  Slot 5:  4  Slash Resist
  Slot 6:  35  Hits
  Slot 7:  5  Strength Cap Increase
  Slot 8:  5  AF
  Slot 9:  35  Hits Cap Increase
  Slot 10:  2  Style Damage
Utility: 66.8
Right Ring
Name: Ring of Tarka'oz
Level: 51 Quality: 99
  Slot 1:  21  Strength
  Slot 2:  4  All Melee Weapon Skills
  Slot 3:  4  Crush Resist
  Slot 4:  4  Thrust Resist
  Slot 5:  4  Slash Resist
  Slot 6:  35  Hits
  Slot 7:  5  Strength Cap Increase
  Slot 8:  5  AF
  Slot 9:  35  Hits Cap Increase
  Slot 10:  2  Style Damage
Utility: 66.8
Left Wrist
Name: Bracelet of Silent Oblivion
Level: 51 Quality: 99
  Slot 1:  60  Hits
  Slot 2:  22  Dexterity
  Slot 3:  22  Quickness
  Slot 4:  4  Parry Skill
  Slot 5:  2  Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 64.3
Right Wrist
Name: Bracelet of Springtime Folly
Level: 51 Quality: 99
  Slot 1:  50  Hits Cap Increase
  Slot 2:  50  Hits
  Slot 3:  6  Cold Resist
  Slot 4:  6  Matter Resist
  Slot 5:  6  Spirit Resist
  Slot 6:  6  Heat Resist
  Slot 7:  22  Constitution
Utility: 75.2


Loyal Freddie
Aug 14, 2006
Come to think of it, I think I'll play mid instead, just began playing again myself, hehe.

Can still do the transfer though. Can catch me on Ghesrea (BB) or Creekz.


Part of the furniture
Mar 28, 2009
lol i just sold infernal healer sleeves and shimmering satin sash on mid :confused: they were both on for 200 plat each and i have never sold anything as fast as that lol.


Part of the furniture
Mar 28, 2009
ok so just did 199 plat with Toel

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