Anyone here need cash on exc and are willing to pay prydwen cash in return?
im talking about amounts up to 3 platina.
im also looking for a tailor/weaponcrafter on hib/pryd too.
i would like to order some full suits of:
Cruaigh Leather armor | Hard -> Tempered
and some blade weapons:
Crescent Swords | Dolomite -> Arcanite
PM me/post questions for more info...
im talking about amounts up to 3 platina.
im also looking for a tailor/weaponcrafter on hib/pryd too.
i would like to order some full suits of:
Cruaigh Leather armor | Hard -> Tempered
and some blade weapons:
Crescent Swords | Dolomite -> Arcanite
PM me/post questions for more info...