Full respec stone
Luminescent exerpise Stone
start 3.5p
increase 200g
buyout 5p
Omni Hunting leggings
Con 12
Matter 7%
Heat 7%
Cold 7%
lvl 47 meelee health buffer value : 50
Quality 97%
Utility 50.00
AF 102, Bon 35
start 500g
increase 100g
buyout 1p
Mushroom Cap
Dex 16
Str 16
Qui 15
spirit 7%
10 charges of lvl 49 health regen
Qua 95%
AF 100
Bon 30%
start 800g
increase 200g
buyout 2p
it Ends on Sunday 12.00 CET time. or if items are sold at buyout.
Ya always dying m8
Morwind Loneranger
Hunter of the 40'ish Season.
Savan BattleSister
Crit-striker of the 30'ish Season.
Luminescent exerpise Stone
start 3.5p
increase 200g
buyout 5p
Omni Hunting leggings
Con 12
Matter 7%
Heat 7%
Cold 7%
lvl 47 meelee health buffer value : 50
Quality 97%
Utility 50.00
AF 102, Bon 35
start 500g
increase 100g
buyout 1p
Mushroom Cap
Dex 16
Str 16
Qui 15
spirit 7%
10 charges of lvl 49 health regen
Qua 95%
AF 100
Bon 30%
start 800g
increase 200g
buyout 2p
it Ends on Sunday 12.00 CET time. or if items are sold at buyout.
Ya always dying m8
Morwind Loneranger
Hunter of the 40'ish Season.
Savan BattleSister
Crit-striker of the 30'ish Season.