stuff to sell below bid n stuff
Ancient Relic Church
Parry 3pts
Rejuv 3pts
Hits 40pts
Thrust 7%
Dommels Incendiary Seal
Con 10
Str 10
Charge: DoT 64 per tick
Kobils Firey Seal
Dex 10
Quick 10
Charge: Dmg Sheild
Brilliant Vambraces of the Soulshade af100 qua 94%
Hits 42
Str 19
Body 10%
Proc : Self Heal
Protectors Gem
Thrust 2
Sheild 3
Hits 8
Quickness 3
Brilliant Soulwatcher Quilted Plants af49 cloth (weird pants)
Deathsight 4
Wind Magic 4
body 3%
con 10pts
Illemite Xbow 16.2dps 5.0spd
xbow 7
str 3
shimering Ancient Ebony Robes
hits 24
Crush 4%
Slash 4%
Thrust 4%
Magestic Mantel of Eternal
Spirit 8%
Cold 8%
Piety 10
go go! auction ends sum time mid week ish
Ancient Relic Church
Parry 3pts
Rejuv 3pts
Hits 40pts
Thrust 7%
Dommels Incendiary Seal
Con 10
Str 10
Charge: DoT 64 per tick
Kobils Firey Seal
Dex 10
Quick 10
Charge: Dmg Sheild
Brilliant Vambraces of the Soulshade af100 qua 94%
Hits 42
Str 19
Body 10%
Proc : Self Heal
Protectors Gem
Thrust 2
Sheild 3
Hits 8
Quickness 3
Brilliant Soulwatcher Quilted Plants af49 cloth (weird pants)
Deathsight 4
Wind Magic 4
body 3%
con 10pts
Illemite Xbow 16.2dps 5.0spd
xbow 7
str 3
shimering Ancient Ebony Robes
hits 24
Crush 4%
Slash 4%
Thrust 4%
Magestic Mantel of Eternal
Spirit 8%
Cold 8%
Piety 10
go go! auction ends sum time mid week ish