flame wrought belt: SOLD
Dexterity: 15 pts
Piety: 15 pts
Hits: 48 pts
Power: 7 pts
TG skald gloves: SOLD
Constitution: 18 pts
Hits: 40 pts
Spirit Resist: 9%
Thrust Resist: 9%
95 Cold DD reactive proc
Dragon-Shadow Axe(dyed golden): SOLD
Quickness: 15 pts
Axe: +4 pts
Shields: +4 pts
Parry: +4 pts
64 Matter DoT proc
MP lvl51 large shield(spellcrafted): 800g
HIts: 52 pts
Matter: 9%
Dexterity: 22 pts
Shield: 4pts
64 Matter DoT reactive proc
MP lvl51 leather set with circlet(all enchanted and dyed black): SOLD
MP lvl51 arcanium 1h cleaver(enchanted): 2.5P
MP lvl51 arcanium spiked 1h hammer(enchanted): SOLD
MP lvl51 small shield(enchanted): SOLD
single respec stone(2): SOLD
All items 100% dur and con
Dexterity: 15 pts
Piety: 15 pts
Hits: 48 pts
Power: 7 pts
TG skald gloves: SOLD
Constitution: 18 pts
Hits: 40 pts
Spirit Resist: 9%
Thrust Resist: 9%
95 Cold DD reactive proc
Dragon-Shadow Axe(dyed golden): SOLD
Quickness: 15 pts
Axe: +4 pts
Shields: +4 pts
Parry: +4 pts
64 Matter DoT proc
MP lvl51 large shield(spellcrafted): 800g
HIts: 52 pts
Matter: 9%
Dexterity: 22 pts
Shield: 4pts
64 Matter DoT reactive proc
MP lvl51 leather set with circlet(all enchanted and dyed black): SOLD
MP lvl51 arcanium 1h cleaver(enchanted): 2.5P
MP lvl51 arcanium spiked 1h hammer(enchanted): SOLD
MP lvl51 small shield(enchanted): SOLD
single respec stone(2): SOLD
All items 100% dur and con