Selling Some items form my old SC template
All suff is 50G increment, auction ends thursday 14th @ midnight
Primal Spore Covered Boots - Af102 100% qual Hero Only: Pierce-3 Matter-9% Body-8% Spirit-7% ractive DD proc 95 dmg. 800G
99% Scale Coif AF102 Crush/Thrust/Energy-7% Matter-5%
Ablative Proc Melee Health Buffer thingy. 600G
Protectors Wrap (Ring) shield-3 heat-4% energy-6% hits-19. 50G
Twisted Truesilver Ring slash/body-6% con/str-6. 50G
Ancient Stag Skull (Jewel) Crush/Thrust/Slash/Spirit+6% 3 Charges of heal for 130. 100G
First person to say they want these shields can have em
99% lvl 51 Large Shield. 70G
99% lvl 51 Small Shield Enchantered. 70G SOLD
All suff is 50G increment, auction ends thursday 14th @ midnight
Primal Spore Covered Boots - Af102 100% qual Hero Only: Pierce-3 Matter-9% Body-8% Spirit-7% ractive DD proc 95 dmg. 800G
99% Scale Coif AF102 Crush/Thrust/Energy-7% Matter-5%
Ablative Proc Melee Health Buffer thingy. 600G
Protectors Wrap (Ring) shield-3 heat-4% energy-6% hits-19. 50G
Twisted Truesilver Ring slash/body-6% con/str-6. 50G
Ancient Stag Skull (Jewel) Crush/Thrust/Slash/Spirit+6% 3 Charges of heal for 130. 100G
First person to say they want these shields can have em
99% lvl 51 Large Shield. 70G
99% lvl 51 Small Shield Enchantered. 70G SOLD