Selling some items i dont need anymore all start @ 100g and go up by 10g (except adroit bracelet which is a minimum of 250g). PM me ingame if u want em
Adroit Bracelet
Heat 8%
Crush 5%
Dex 22pts
Str 22 pts
Infernal Black Diamond Bracer
charisma 10 pts
const 10 pts
dex 10 pts
Strengthinening Power
Const 6pts
Str 4pts
Spirit 5%
Hits 24pts
lvl 48 dmg add charge (5 charges)
Ring of cold Abhorrent
Const 6pts
Str 6 pts
heat 4%
body 4%
Speedy Wrap
Quick 25 pts
hits 20 pts
thurst 8%
slash 4%
Adroit Bracelet
Heat 8%
Crush 5%
Dex 22pts
Str 22 pts
Infernal Black Diamond Bracer
charisma 10 pts
const 10 pts
dex 10 pts
Strengthinening Power
Const 6pts
Str 4pts
Spirit 5%
Hits 24pts
lvl 48 dmg add charge (5 charges)
Ring of cold Abhorrent
Const 6pts
Str 6 pts
heat 4%
body 4%
Speedy Wrap
Quick 25 pts
hits 20 pts
thurst 8%
slash 4%