1) Sublime Summoner Jerkin: (Torso)
Stats: Hits 48 pts, Dex/Qui 18 pts and slash 7%
Function: damage-over-time
2) Shimmeringspeedy Cruaigh Sleeves: (arms)
Stats: Qui 27 pts, Dex 6 pts, Hits 19 pts and Thrust resistance 4%
3) ShimmeringMidnight Maruder leggings: (legs)
Stats: Con / Str / Dex and Qui 16 pts.
4) Cured Blackthorn boots: (boots)
Stats: Piercing 3 pts, Qui 18 pts, Slash / Body resistance 9%
Function Direct damage.
Just....... give me some resonable offer's, i wanna get rid of this stuff.......
Stats: Hits 48 pts, Dex/Qui 18 pts and slash 7%
Function: damage-over-time
2) Shimmeringspeedy Cruaigh Sleeves: (arms)
Stats: Qui 27 pts, Dex 6 pts, Hits 19 pts and Thrust resistance 4%
3) ShimmeringMidnight Maruder leggings: (legs)
Stats: Con / Str / Dex and Qui 16 pts.
4) Cured Blackthorn boots: (boots)
Stats: Piercing 3 pts, Qui 18 pts, Slash / Body resistance 9%
Function Direct damage.
Just....... give me some resonable offer's, i wanna get rid of this stuff.......