WTS TG armor / weapons / enamels / respec stones
Respec Stones (single)
price - 2.5p
Royal Red weapon enamel - SOLD
price - 1p
Black weapon enamel - SOLD
price - 1.5p
Turquoise weapon enamel
price - 350g
Icy War Spear - SOLD
Spear 6
stealth 3
crush 6%
thrust 6%
16.5 dps, 4.0 spd - melee healt buffer proc
starting price 2p
inc 200g
buyout 4p
TG Bers leggings
Hammer 3
Con 14
Matter 8%
Energy 9%
cold damage DD proc
+3 melee skills instead of hammer in 1.64(i fink)
starting price 3p
inc 200g
buyout 5p
Dragon-shadow Sword - SOLD
Sword 4
Parry 4
Str 22
Cha 15
16.5 dps, 4.2 spd - Str/Con Debuff proc
starting price 8p
inc 500g
buyout 15p
Dreaded Frostbound Fang - SOLD
hand to hand 4
parry 4
Con 22
Energy 6%
16.5 dps, 3.4 spd - lifedrain proc
starting price 2.5p
inc 300g
buyout 5p
Ice-shadow Sleeves - SOLD
Critical Strike 3
Body 7%
Cold 9%
Slash 9%
Cold damage DD proc - 150 value ablative in 1.64
starting price 1p
inc 200g
buyout 3p
Seething Frostbound Axe - SOLD
Parry 4
Axe 4
Stormcalling 4
Str 15
Health-Regen proc
starting price 1.5p
inc 200g
buyout 3p
Wintery Seekers Boots
Spear 3
Hits 64
Heat 7%
Crush 9%
Spirit damage DD proc
starting price 1.5p
inc 200g
buyout 3p
Lord of Niflheim Staff - SOLD
Hits 148
Darkness L50
Supp L50
Sum L50
Spirit Damage DD proc
starting price 2p
inc 200g
buyout 4p
Empyrean Bonewalkers Staff - SOLD
hits 148
Darkness L50
Sup L50
Bone Army L50
DD proc
starting price 2p
inc 200g
buyout 4p
Dragon-shadow Hammer
Hammer 4
Parry 4
Shield 4
Hits 40
Lifetap proc (cold)
starting price 3p
inc 200g
buyout 5p
If u intrested in anything here and wanna buy it, just pm Angantyria ingame or aSq|BjX^Angan on irc
.. tnx
Respec Stones (single)
price - 2.5p
Royal Red weapon enamel - SOLD
price - 1p
Black weapon enamel - SOLD
price - 1.5p
Turquoise weapon enamel
price - 350g
Icy War Spear - SOLD
Spear 6
stealth 3
crush 6%
thrust 6%
16.5 dps, 4.0 spd - melee healt buffer proc
starting price 2p
inc 200g
buyout 4p
TG Bers leggings
Hammer 3
Con 14
Matter 8%
Energy 9%
cold damage DD proc
+3 melee skills instead of hammer in 1.64(i fink)
starting price 3p
inc 200g
buyout 5p
Dragon-shadow Sword - SOLD
Sword 4
Parry 4
Str 22
Cha 15
16.5 dps, 4.2 spd - Str/Con Debuff proc
starting price 8p
inc 500g
buyout 15p
Dreaded Frostbound Fang - SOLD
hand to hand 4
parry 4
Con 22
Energy 6%
16.5 dps, 3.4 spd - lifedrain proc
starting price 2.5p
inc 300g
buyout 5p
Ice-shadow Sleeves - SOLD
Critical Strike 3
Body 7%
Cold 9%
Slash 9%
Cold damage DD proc - 150 value ablative in 1.64
starting price 1p
inc 200g
buyout 3p
Seething Frostbound Axe - SOLD
Parry 4
Axe 4
Stormcalling 4
Str 15
Health-Regen proc
starting price 1.5p
inc 200g
buyout 3p
Wintery Seekers Boots
Spear 3
Hits 64
Heat 7%
Crush 9%
Spirit damage DD proc
starting price 1.5p
inc 200g
buyout 3p
Lord of Niflheim Staff - SOLD
Hits 148
Darkness L50
Supp L50
Sum L50
Spirit Damage DD proc
starting price 2p
inc 200g
buyout 4p
Empyrean Bonewalkers Staff - SOLD
hits 148
Darkness L50
Sup L50
Bone Army L50
DD proc
starting price 2p
inc 200g
buyout 4p
Dragon-shadow Hammer
Hammer 4
Parry 4
Shield 4
Hits 40
Lifetap proc (cold)
starting price 3p
inc 200g
buyout 5p
If u intrested in anything here and wanna buy it, just pm Angantyria ingame or aSq|BjX^Angan on irc