Decided not to level my Bonedancer for a good while - so putting these up for auction.
Brittle Bone Vest - Bonedancer ( epic look )
Bone Army: 3 ( upgraded to +3 ALL Magic skills in 1.64 )
Dexterity: 22
Piety: 22
Hits: 60
Proc: 180pt heal ( heals for a minimum of 225 hp )
Starting price: 5p - buyout 15p - minimum bid increments 1p
Brittle Bone Sleeves - Bonedancer ( epic look )
Darkness: 3 ( upgraded to +3 ALL Magic skills in 1.64 )
Constitution: 22
Piety: 22
Hits: 60
Proc: 95pt DD ( upgraded to 150 value ablative in 1.64 )
Starting price: 1p - buyout 5p - minimum bid increments 500g - Current bid: 1p by Grimgnaw
Both pieces are unused
Auction ends: Sunday November 2nd at any time of my choice.
Crafted stuff up for sale: ( no auction )
AF102 99% qua chain sleeves - 450g ( 4 pieces )
AF102 99% qua chain leggins - 700g ( 1 pieces )
Brittle Bone Vest - Bonedancer ( epic look )
Bone Army: 3 ( upgraded to +3 ALL Magic skills in 1.64 )
Dexterity: 22
Piety: 22
Hits: 60
Proc: 180pt heal ( heals for a minimum of 225 hp )
Starting price: 5p - buyout 15p - minimum bid increments 1p
Brittle Bone Sleeves - Bonedancer ( epic look )
Darkness: 3 ( upgraded to +3 ALL Magic skills in 1.64 )
Constitution: 22
Piety: 22
Hits: 60
Proc: 95pt DD ( upgraded to 150 value ablative in 1.64 )
Starting price: 1p - buyout 5p - minimum bid increments 500g - Current bid: 1p by Grimgnaw
Both pieces are unused
Auction ends: Sunday November 2nd at any time of my choice.
Crafted stuff up for sale: ( no auction )
AF102 99% qua chain sleeves - 450g ( 4 pieces )
AF102 99% qua chain leggins - 700g ( 1 pieces )