WTS something else :x



i thought of a crazy/good idea.
instead of farming in DF like i normally do, im thinking about 'selling' PL; meaning that i PL a char of you, you pay me the money, i will calculate the money per hour at the same way as i would farm seals in an hour, meaning for every hour i spend PLing you you will pay that amount,
this might be an alternative way of making money and making ppl happy, ofc i know the prices wont be cheap but this is more for ppl who cant solo on their own (healers/shamans etc) and who still want to ding 50
if theres enough interest i will work out more details about this.


so... it'll be like 100p to get to 50? :eek7:

dont know about everyone else but isnt that a wee bit much? :p

especially since you will probably make money whilst PL'ing :p


Id be happy to use your services
good thing there is PvE whores like yourself ;)
how much did you have in mind?


if it means i can do afk insead of focus pulling all the time....

i'd pay.... givf my sb 50 :p


Originally posted by ormorof
so... it'll be like 100p to get to 50? :eek7:

dont know about everyone else but isnt that a wee bit much? :p

especially since you will probably make money whilst PL'ing :p

not quite, i will be using a spot where no money drops, only sell loot/rogs

some rogs i will keep but not something where ill make tons of money on

and 20-42 is pretty fast, its those last that are a pain


if i actually had any money i would consider it depending on cost, simply because i feckin hate leveling and desperately want a 50 healer (but no way i could stick the grind again)

i dont think u wil have a problem with gettin interest, just depends on price i guess


Maybe interested, but depends totally on price :p


If only we have necro's and cabby's on midgar true plving master's xped my cabby from 24-38 with my necro in like under 10 hours play time.


Can pl myself to 45 in three irl days with my sup sm :|


Make it so that u take your price, then /autosplit off, all items to the one who you are exping.


I don't think you should ask to be paid per hour, but rather per level. No matter how you PL, farm, sometimes it takes longer and sometimes shorter and not only because of in-game factors. Also, if you ask to be paid per level, you have a set price to start with and will much easier get "customers". In addition, much easier to calculate the prize for a PL from 30 to 40 for instance.
So, if you set a price table like the one below (just an example), both you and the "customer" will know the price in advance, rather than "10 hours spent PL'ing, that will be * P". "OMG! I thought you wouldn't use more than 5 hours. There's no way I can pay you that yet.":

Levels: Price per level
20-30: * G/P
30-40: * G/P
40-45: * G/P
45-50: * G/P


dont steal all the healers and shammys!!!!!

but thats like 2p an hour? LOL


yes the price wont be low, but it isnt my idea to PL from 20-5à, the idea was for ppl from 40+ that couldnt solo to have a chance of dinging 50, and if i put on xx per lvl, the last lvls would be an even higher price since it takes forever, but hey, not my problem if ppl dont wanna pay, i just go farm seals then again


Foa, try come up with a price for this now...Wanna see if it's worth it ;)


iv put price per hour on 1.5p, this is what i would make after 1 hour farming in DF and selling to someone (if u disagree blame max :p )

im willing to PL ofc for certain items , one item i need nevertheless is dsgh, ill PL till an amount of 20p has been made since ppl put that as buyout, there may be some other items that i could be intrested in, but only one i can think of is the dsgh, and warr TG haub too but thats like teh rare item :O

ps i repeat for those who will most probably reply to price being too high: im not doing this out of some sort of friendly PL, im doing this as an alternative for DF, so negotiating over price isnt really possible since i could farm the same amount in DF

if this makes me look like a selfish person, then so be it, but i need money cus im poor :p


why dont you combine DF with PL? Take in some1 to be PL and xp in df where you get all loot/money. The one who gets PL can pay say 100-200 gold an hour.


that would mean i couldnt heal myself in combat and i cant pull some mobs since bot wont have guard, and 3 in group = adds


Nice idea but prize aint so good and if id be a healer or a shaman i wouldnt ask u to pl me for money id need to pay u my azerker would do that for free if the zerekr could keep the dia seals ,,, for example but since i got own bot i dont need a shammy or healer to be grped with
Besides as like 45+ would be just easier in finding a shaman t grp if u would be a something else i do 1 bub an hour with my sb soloing oranges and reds without haveing buffbot grped so if ud pl him to 50 from where she is now that owuld cost her 14x1.5 plat aka 21 plat for 1.4 lvls ? who is that sick in head hed påay that much ? dobt ull find anyone


too bad then for those who want, i wont have any problem, ill just farm in DF, tbh doesnt matter whether what i do, just thought it would be something ppl could help dinging,
why would i ask less if i can get more money doing something else? gotta understand that imo


why dont u stick to farming in df and do it for cheaper a) u get more cash b all are happy
no need to go kil lforest skrats outsiade hagall lol


Hmm, 1.5P per hour you say, so you normally farm 150 diamond seals in one hour? If we assume every mob you kill would drop 3 diamonds (which is a rather high estimate), that would mean you have to kill 50 red/purple mobs in 60 minutes, so that's 1 mob every 72 seconds. I'd like to see you doing that with a warrior... :rolleyes:


Originally posted by werewolf
why dont u stick to farming in df and do it for cheaper a) u get more cash b all are happy
no need to go kil lforest skrats outsiade hagall lol

forest skrats rofl? theyr quite bad for PL, i know mobs that die in 4-5 hits with 2h fyi
and like i explained, 3 ppl in group means adds and i dont like the idea of having bot ungrouped and still pull with it

and eynar, according to max about 130 seals is possible per hour, and thats not included when u get lucky princess spawn or smt
and dia's sell for 11g, but i could also say that i hinge myself while doing other stuff..


I have had 100 seals in 1 hour at Hulks, along with those mobs at the Gatekeeper or whatever his name is with my Thane.... and I think a Warrior can kill faster then a Thane so....

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