Chain Armors AF 102:
Gloves 99%:
25 Dex
11% Thrust
5% Matter
1 Axe
Boots 99%:
19 con
5% matter
40 hits
4 axe
Leggins 99%:
28 Dex
9% Thrust
2% Crush
3 Axe
Gloves 100%:
2 Axe
11% Thrust
9% Energy
52 Hits
Hauberk 99%:
28 str
3% Spirit
52 Hits
7% Crush
Random stuff:
Tiara cloth AF 50
3 RC
3 Summoning
6 power
16 Piety
Jade Moonshone Cloak
7 con
4% Slash
4% Crush
12% Cold
Tiara Cloth AF 40
15 Dex
15 piety
7 Power
Darkened Staff of Hoarfrost
3 Darkness
10% Cold
10% Heat
50 Dark Focus
Gloves 99%:
25 Dex
11% Thrust
5% Matter
1 Axe
Boots 99%:
19 con
5% matter
40 hits
4 axe
Leggins 99%:
28 Dex
9% Thrust
2% Crush
3 Axe
Gloves 100%:
2 Axe
11% Thrust
9% Energy
52 Hits
Hauberk 99%:
28 str
3% Spirit
52 Hits
7% Crush
Random stuff:
Tiara cloth AF 50
3 RC
3 Summoning
6 power
16 Piety
Jade Moonshone Cloak
7 con
4% Slash
4% Crush
12% Cold
Tiara Cloth AF 40
15 Dex
15 piety
7 Power
Darkened Staff of Hoarfrost
3 Darkness
10% Cold
10% Heat
50 Dark Focus