WTS Silia's Necklace Bracelet of Silent Oblivion 2 nice random items and old plate SC


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 7, 2006

I wanna sell the following items on the PVP Server Camlann:

Silia's Necklace:

Crush 7%
Slash 7%
Matter 7%
Body 7%
Dex Cap 5
Strg Cap 5

Ability: 11,3 Damage Add for 30 Sekonds

Price: 30 Platin but we can talk about the price

Bracelet of Silent Oblivion:

Parry 4
Dex 22
Qui 22
Hit 60
meele cmbat speed 2%

Ability: 56 Strg/Const Debuff

Price: 20 Platin but we can talk about the price

Protector's Girdle:

Strg 25
Energy 6%
Shield 6
Const 16

88% Durability

Price: 5 Platin but we can talk about the price

Fortifying Gem:

Const 37
All melee weapon skills 2
Spirit 5%
Matter 7%

100% Durability

Price: 5 Platin but we can talk about the price

100% Plate Armor (from my old SC):


Strg 19
Thrust 9%
Crush 9%
Slash 9%

Proc: Meele Heal Buffer (Value: 100 Abs: 50%)

Price: 2 Platin but we can talk about the price


Slash 3
Thrust 9%
Heat 11%
Qui 13

Proc: Meele Heal Buffer (Value: 100 Abs: 50%)

Price: 2 Platin but we can talk about the price


Slash 4
Const 22
Dex 22
Parry 4

Proc: Meele Heal Buffer (Value: 100 Abs: 50%)

Price: 2 Platin but we can talk about the price


Slash 4
Const 22
Dex 22
Shield 4

Proc: Meele Heal Buffer (Value: 100 Abs: 50%)

Price: 2 Platin but we can talk about the price

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