This isnt an auction but ill sell to the best offer those following items :
*Sold*Cloth 93qua Circlet 15dex 15pie 7pow 52health regen, 50g
**Bracer Darkness 2 Crush 8% Matter 8% power 89qua, 100g
***Ice Shadow Boots 450g http://glacier.doofyfuel.com/#Shadowblade
****hammer 1h 3%heat 3%spirit 22dex 3cave, 100g
***** Unused leather helm 99qua 102AF, 200g
*******Neck 4hand to hand 4%thrust 13cons 5%crush 91qua, 200g
*********MP axe 15.3dps 2.7dps 4la 4sword proc 64dot matter proc, 250g
***********99qua Arcanium Bastard Sword Stealth 3 sword 3 la 3 proc dot64dmg matter, 2050g
/tell Unallveis in game for trade or ask.
*Sold*Cloth 93qua Circlet 15dex 15pie 7pow 52health regen, 50g
**Bracer Darkness 2 Crush 8% Matter 8% power 89qua, 100g
***Ice Shadow Boots 450g http://glacier.doofyfuel.com/#Shadowblade
****hammer 1h 3%heat 3%spirit 22dex 3cave, 100g
***** Unused leather helm 99qua 102AF, 200g
*******Neck 4hand to hand 4%thrust 13cons 5%crush 91qua, 200g
*********MP axe 15.3dps 2.7dps 4la 4sword proc 64dot matter proc, 250g
***********99qua Arcanium Bastard Sword Stealth 3 sword 3 la 3 proc dot64dmg matter, 2050g
/tell Unallveis in game for trade or ask.