WTS : Oil Drenched Cleaning Rag



4 plat

first post here wanting it gets it.
pm Terrick/Doobieroffcaeks in game, Moza/Veg on irc.


overpriced but i bet somebody buys it :) gl

friendly bump also


I spent 10 hours farming rag on saturday (and no im not over exagerating, I killed everyspawn from 11am till 9pm bar 5/6), look me in the eye and tell me its over priced :p, guess moza is selling on experience since his last few have gone for 4p :p.


lol ? god damn its not wort 4p lol its wort like 5p its taking so long time to get it

PEople just dont understand a shit why the price is high


Originally posted by old_saxo
lol ? god damn its not wort 4p lol its wort like 5p its taking so long time to get it

PEople just dont understand a shit why the price is high

When people like Ironheart go /b Hmm I wonder what I will do with these 7 oil rags taking up my vault space, people decide that it isn't worth 4p, let alone 5p.


then you go hmm your a liar, or hmm your real sad cause you've camped tower keeper for an unhealthly long amount of time :p



would like to buy 1 oily rag

but never gonna get that sort of money in a life time of lvl 50's

but hay dont have can live with out it

4 plat would get me close to Legendry Alchemist.


god damn its not wort 4p lol its wort like 5p its taking so long time to get it

I´m usually trying to stay away from "item X is too cheap/expensive" but...

what on earth is the relation between the time it takes to get an item and the price? If you want a reward for your patience, go farm seals or rogs, but don´t expect people to pay additional money to compensate for *your* online time.
It´s the stats and usability of an item that´s making the price, not how long people have to farm a mob until it finally drops. If time would be the decdiding factor for price, we would all sell Vindicator breastplates for 5 plats.


this isnt a 'how much is oily rag worth' thread
it's a 'iim selling an oil rag for this price buy it if you want' thread

so please fo with all your spam here its not wanted mmk


Stats, useability, and how rare an item all contribute to its cost.
Oil rag is the best cloak there is minus 1/2 in terms of utility, its useability is high due the actual stats it has because it works well in capping all stats for sc.
Now considering you have 2 main factors to how common it is, 1. being the amount of people actually camping it, lets not forget that only 1 mob drops this. Time taken does have a large influence, although you can't look at each case individually because its so random how long you have to spend camping the mob, a few hours one day few the next, 9 hours the next day all adds up and in this time you could have been farming else where for cash. Farming a single mob, along with all the problems of ther people camping it is what makes the item cost that little bit more.

If you do not like 4P as a price, then do not buy it, it however does not mean you can tell someone else that they can't sell it at that price. If it isn't sold, then it isn't sold simple as, but as Moza has sold 2/3 in the past weeks and all have gone for 4P by choice (auctioned) the logical thing to do is just sit it at a 4P buyout price, cut the crap out and put it at a price people are obviously willing to pay.


Re: would like to buy 1 oily rag

Originally posted by ukm_thorgrim

4 plat would get me close to Legendry Alchemist.

from 757? yeah..... right :rolleyes:


been camping tower keeper last week or so, slooow spawn rate, nothing to do in between, i was against 4p price till then, ill happily pay it now.

Lomald Umilinn

friendly bump, and let the n0b0s pay 4P for a cloak more worthy 2.5-3P


I´m usually trying to stay away from "item X is too cheap/expensive" but...

what on earth is the relation between the time it takes to get an item and the price? If you want a reward for your patience, go farm seals or rogs, but don´t expect people to pay additional money to compensate for *your* online time.
It´s the stats and usability of an item that´s making the price, not how long people have to farm a mob until it finally drops. If time would be the decdiding factor for price, we would all sell Vindicator breastplates for 5 plats.

oil rag can be gotten for like 2 houre to 100 houre not joking

If you farm same time for seals as you start to hunt towerk eeper

and in like 10-15 houre you got 5p for diamonds.... if not less

And if you say : then go farm DF no because not all like DF the RvR system etc exp killed.


supply and demand.

idd say the rag is worth 4 plat. Mebbe even more...

and btw, if none of u is gonna buy, then ffs leave this thread!

(opps, im not buying either - but friendly bump ;) )

Lomald Umilinn

Originally posted by Eet_Sjet
supply and demand.

idd say the rag is worth 4 plat. Mebbe even more...

and btw, if none of u is gonna buy, then ffs leave this thread!

(opps, im not buying either - but friendly bump ;) )

Indd only a new (a.k.a n00b) player would buy this cloak for any penny more then 3P. And i'll continue your friently bump.


Continue posting Lomald, you're just making yourself look more and more like a twat each time :great:


oil rag can be gotten for like 2 houre to 100 houre not joking

yeah, you already pointed that out.. and? Your point is? I don´t give a flying f*ck how long it takes you to get it.
You´re still expecting people to pay for the time *you´ve* spend and that´s just plain BS. All I care for is the quality (i.e. usability) of the item, not how long it took you to get it.

And btw.. there´s absolutely nothing wrong with charging 4p or whatever for a drop. Just Saxo´s argumentation is stupid.

/stealthbump :)


Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn
Indd only a new (a.k.a n00b) player would buy this cloak for any penny more then 3P. And i'll continue your friently bump.

Apologies for posting when not buying (but consider it another friendly /bump :)), but Lomald, I am curious.

You say only a 'noob' would pay a penny over 3p. On what have you based the calculation of 3p max? I assume in the absence of any science, this is your personal opinion of the maximum value of this item to you, but as it is only an opinion why do you care if someone personally values it higher - as many people clearly do given recent sales.

In deciding whether to pay X on a drop you are essentially weighing up the plat value of the time you would have to invest in obtaining the drop yourself. By this I do not mean 'how much you could farm elsewhere during this time' although for some that will be a consideration. But rather how you value your time doing something else, which you presumably enjoy, whether that be RvR, crafting, doing something in RL, etc ..... Maybe the people who pay 4p or more for this item simply put a higher value on their time than you put on your own.

Not a flame, just curious.


Originally posted by thorwyntf
yeah, you already pointed that out.. and? Your point is? I don´t give a flying f*ck how long it takes you to get it.
You´re still expecting people to pay for the time *you´ve* spend and that´s just plain BS. All I care for is the quality (i.e. usability) of the item, not how long it took you to get it.

But surely putting a price on the time someone else has taken to get the drop is the same as putting a price on the time you've saved by not getting the drop.

If I needed the cloak, I'd be quite happy paying 4 plat to spare me the tedium of camping the keeper for a week or whatever.


Nope.. I`m still paying for the item. When I buy a car, I pay for the car, not for the time I saved because I didn´t have to build and assemble all the pieces myself.
Again.. saying "this item is worth X plats" is fine. But saying "this item is *actually* worth X plats, but since it´s so hard to get it, it should be X+Y plats" is wrong. When you´re farming gobos with an Infil one by one, you can´t claim that the gobo gem should be worth 1 plat because it takes so awfully long to get one.


If that was the only way to get a gobo gem and there were alot less of them, then you probably would have to pay that price.


Supply/Demand and the increasing self worth of one's leisure time coming into play. It is very simplistic to say that the value of something has increased by so much because it took so much time to obtain. There are many factors involved:

The ability to make a template you wouldn't be able to make without one.
The actual stats.
The time taken to acquire one.
The availability of the item.



Originally posted by thorwyntf
Nope.. I`m still paying for the item. When I buy a car, I pay for the car, not for the time I saved because I didn´t have to build and assemble all the pieces myself.

That is quite right, but that does not cover every single market in an economy. Personally in my business I charge my clients an hourly rate for cetain pieces of work. Therefore the longer it takes to get what they want the more it is going to cost them.

Furthermore, think about anyone who works for an hourly wage. They are being remunerated for sacrificing their time to achieve something that another person wants. i.e. they are selling their leisure time at a price per hour to an employer.

Different markets have different pricing mechanisms


Of course you´re right! But farming mobs for an item and selling that item doesn´t have anything to do with a service or paying somebody for their leisure time. It´s like fishing and selling the fish on a market. The customer doesn´t care if it took 5 minutes to catch that fish or two hours. For him the ware is a fish and everything else doesn´t matter. And that´s exactly the situation here. If you´re lucky, you might get a rag on the first kill. If you´re not, it might take you a couple hours. For the customer, it´s all the same... a rag and claiming that it "usually takes so long" doesn´t count.


Originally posted by thorwyntf
Of course you´re right! But farming mobs for an item and selling that item doesn´t have anything to do with a service or paying somebody for their leisure time. It´s like fishing and selling the fish on a market. The customer doesn´t care if it took 5 minutes to catch that fish or two hours. For him the ware is a fish and everything else doesn´t matter. And that´s exactly the situation here. If you´re lucky, you might get a rag on the first kill. If you´re not, it might take you a couple hours. For the customer, it´s all the same... a rag and claiming that it "usually takes so long" doesn´t count.

True, but as with the fish and car example you are comparing homogenous products with a large number of sellers. In this instance the item is *relatively* rare (presumably due to the potential lengh of time it can take to acquire) and therefore a small number of sellers.

Presumably this item has been farmed for sale and as such the seller may well consider themselves to be providing a service.

It is an economic argument of property rights. Does the buyer have the right to expect a low price based purely on the items utility or does the seller have the right to demand a premium due to the restricted supply? In this instance I would tend towards the latter. It is then up to the consumer to vote with his feet and hope prices drop.

<edit spelling>

DeaD GuRu

a lill enlightment

the cloak ain't worth more then 3 p

and i say it

if you have been there hunting for over a week and still haven't found one rag, well, let me fill you in.......

if you take a 24 h day, real life...

and the Tk spawns at an average of 1 hour each, that would be around 24+ times a day, you may be sure that 3/4 rags droppped from it. This during 24 hours.
There are downtimes between spawns that may take up to three / four hours, that is true, but still there is a average of +-24 spawns a day.

the imbue value and cost are: 52 UV , according to leladias (if i'm not mistaken)
if it could be crafted, it would take up to
+- 30 gp of material to craft the needed gems.
(+- because the exact number of stats is not calculatable)

the estimate price with retries etc... is 165gp

so you DARE ask 5 platinum for this type of crafting????

4 plat is a lot but i can concur to it, i have sold them also at that price. Now i have lowerd it again to three plat. Main reason is , i seem to be pretty lucky when i go for the keeper Solo it "happens" that i get a rag drop...

as for calling me a liar:

ironheart : 2 oil rags: one usage, one spare
Nightheart : 2 oil rags : one usage, one spare
Yvy: 2 oil rags: one usage, one spare
Giraldo: 2 oil rags: one usage, one spare
Tash: 3 oil rags: to be distrebuted ammoungst needing characters OR SELL
and then i think i have a couple more spread over other characters... don't log them on every day.

So all those spare could be sold, yes... they won't.

as for my "luck" when hunting the keeper, there have been days that i got Three rags in Three subsequent pulls from the keeper.

so what i would say is:

If you are there all day and haven't found one rag, the Tower keeper is giving you a msg to Piss off and get out if his territory.
And if you really think that the price should be that high because some ppl seem to have bad luck in a random roll from the keeper to give a drop....well.... it won't be your luck that deceides the price.

btw sunlight, if you would be reading this, your mate that wanted a rag :) he may come and get one
you have been assiting me quite a lot, good mate:) you can have the rag for ONE platinum


ROFL only saxo could start an argument this heated in a cloak selling thread :p

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