MP af102 STUDDED Vest
auction starts at 2.5plat and will rise by 100g (buyout 4plat)
MP af102 LEATHER Jerkin
Auction starts at 2plat and will rise by 100g (buyout 3.5plat)
MP af51 Cloth robe
Straight sale for robe 900g
MP af51 Cloth Vest
Straight sale for vest 850g
Auction for Leather+Studded will end on Monday 8pm GMT
all items are FRESHLY crafted with NO sc etc etc on them
MP af102 STUDDED Vest
auction starts at 2.5plat and will rise by 100g (buyout 4plat)
MP af102 LEATHER Jerkin
Auction starts at 2plat and will rise by 100g (buyout 3.5plat)
MP af51 Cloth robe
Straight sale for robe 900g
MP af51 Cloth Vest
Straight sale for vest 850g
Auction for Leather+Studded will end on Monday 8pm GMT
all items are FRESHLY crafted with NO sc etc etc on them