[WTS] Level 50 Hunters Gear



Having a christmas clearout for my level 50 template. All help appreciated :) [ADDED BOOTS]

1. Hunters Epic Armour - 1.2p (SOLD)

2. Tuscarian Icy War Spear - 8p (don't really wanna sell it hence relatively high price)
[Spear 6, Stealth, 3, Crush/Thrust 6%, 100/50 Melee Buff reactive and a nice blue flame]

3. Tuscarian Wintery Seekers Crown - 1p (SOLD)
[Body/Spirit/Energy/Thrust 8%, 95dd spirit reactive]

4. Tuscarian Wintery Seekers Crown - 1p (SOLD)
[Body/Spirit/Energy/Thrust 8%, 95dd spirit reactive]

5. Gazsis Blade - 1p (SOLD)
[Crush/Energy 10%, Hits 30, Bladeturn]

6. Crafted 99% Quality AF 102 Studded Armour Pieces (Leggings, Sleeves, Boots and Gloves) - 150g each or 500g for the lot (SOLD)

7. Tuscarian Wintery Seekers Boots - 2p
[Spear 3, Hits 64, Heat 7, Crush 9%, 95dd spirit proc]

Either post here or pm Xmi / Shadowalker in game (or visit my house - Plot #2144 in Wyndham).

P.S. Anyone going to buy my lovely boots, it'll make my Chistmas? ;)


I give you 1 plat for the hunters epic, pm me in game if interested;

Jox, Joxa, Joxo, Svante

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