Energybender Gem (jewel)
2% Body Resist
15 Dexterity
7% Cold Resist
8% Energy Resist
Utility: 44
Shadowwalker Bracelet (bracer)
3% Heat Resist
18 Charisma
4% Body Resist
4 Stealth
Utility: 46
Rejuvnation Wrap (ring)
2 Energy Resist
3 Heat Resist
3 Parry
4 Rejuvenation
Utility: 45
Speedy Hooded Mantle (cloak)
7% Slash Resist
12 Constitution
5% Matter Resist
19 Quickness
Utility: 44,6
Bladeblocker Bracelet (bracer)
4 Parry
6% Matter Resist
5% Thrust Resist
6 Dexterity
Utility: 46
Icebender Gem (jewel)
8% Cold Resist
6% Heat Resist
15 Hits
21 Constitution
Utility: 45,75
Edgebender Wrap (ring)
8% Thrust Resist
23 Hits
18 Quickness
10 Dexterity
Utility: 40,41
Protector's Mantle (cloak)
2 Slash
12 Hits
5 Shield
1% Heat Resist
Utility: 40
all items start at 100g, and increases with 50g.
auction ends wednesday at 20.00cet
pm mavado ingame for info.
2% Body Resist
15 Dexterity
7% Cold Resist
8% Energy Resist
Utility: 44
Shadowwalker Bracelet (bracer)
3% Heat Resist
18 Charisma
4% Body Resist
4 Stealth
Utility: 46
Rejuvnation Wrap (ring)
2 Energy Resist
3 Heat Resist
3 Parry
4 Rejuvenation
Utility: 45
Speedy Hooded Mantle (cloak)
7% Slash Resist
12 Constitution
5% Matter Resist
19 Quickness
Utility: 44,6
Bladeblocker Bracelet (bracer)
4 Parry
6% Matter Resist
5% Thrust Resist
6 Dexterity
Utility: 46
Icebender Gem (jewel)
8% Cold Resist
6% Heat Resist
15 Hits
21 Constitution
Utility: 45,75
Edgebender Wrap (ring)
8% Thrust Resist
23 Hits
18 Quickness
10 Dexterity
Utility: 40,41
Protector's Mantle (cloak)
2 Slash
12 Hits
5 Shield
1% Heat Resist
Utility: 40
all items start at 100g, and increases with 50g.
auction ends wednesday at 20.00cet
pm mavado ingame for info.